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  1. #1
    jlewis1111 is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    ******Letro(Ferma) Update Not Good********

    well i have been on my cycle for the last 3 weeks been using letro for a week befrore my cycle and now for three weeks already had a little gyno from previous cycles i know i should get it taken care of but have done cycles before and been able to manage it. Well my gyno has gotten worse with LETRO been using 2.0 ed so i stopped a few days from taking LETRO my nipple was sore as hell. I started taking nolva at 20mg a day and now on the 4th day of it and my nipple isnt sore and seems to be under control so my opinion on this letro is it SUCKS but thats my opinion it might work for someone else but im sticking with the nolva and picking up some liquidex anyways take care and also y bother with letro and not being able to have sex with ur girl since ur sex drive is gone arimidex dosent do that either does nolva well im rambling now but just hated i wasted the money on Letro

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    letro is much stroger anything else out there. your going to have a problem with anything you use . I would increase the dose.........Letrozol is femera, which is an anti-estrogen.

    Femara is 10-30x more effective than Arimidex in it's ability to pass thru the cell membrane of lipid (fat) cells and inhibit the activity of aromatase -- in other words, Femara is far superior in lowering estrogen levels in fat cells. This has two benefits for BBs; (1) Estrogen 'attracts' water, so less water retention (2) an average male BB is around 10%BF, that's a lot of lipid cells with aromatase inside them, so a substantial percentage of aromatase is left untouched by Arimidex due to it's poor ability to enter lipid cells Arimidex is approximately 80% effective at inhibiting aromatase, Femara is around 95-97%

    1. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000 Jul;85(7):2370-7
    2. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1997 Nov-Dec;63(4-6):261-7

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