Yes, I'm working with my doctors. I'm currently doing TRT, trying to make a case for HGH (but that doesn't increase density until the second year), and am working on a case to add a sarm if they work (since I've read serm's are common for women) and adding strontium citrate if I can get a clearer understanding of it.

I am wary of doing more drugs with more side effects (I've been through the ringer) and having more crazy side effects that bisphosphomides offer. I hear s4 is the one to go to for bone but if any of you could offer insight I would appreciate it! Thanks! Hope you hae a great day!

-31 male
-osteoporosis from total body irradiation, primary hypogonadal, prednisone, probably malabsorption issues and my calcium supps aren't being absorbed properly?
-bronchiolitis obliterans from graft vs host from stem cell transplant to treat hodgkin's.