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  1. #1
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Trt:6 weeks in have felt better

    I tell u i dont know whats wrong but i just dont feel rite... Still have this ear ringing thing and also as of yesterday a fair amt of anxiety.. Also irritability.. The only thing i know for sure is i dont like it!!

    Calld doc today and they were supposd to email me my labwork order so i could get it dun and "surprise" no email... Ill be calln them first thing in the am... Have wondered if i shoukd take my next shot tomorrow or not?? Thought if i went past my shot date maybe i could tell if test was too high?? Like maybe im takn too much of it..

    Wanna get E2 chekd as well .. Basically until i get BW dun i wont know what the prob is..

    Anyone got any suggestions? Im at a loss.. I knew to expect at some point neg sides and i dont know even if this is what that is but i dont see where it could be anything else.. This sux!

  2. #2
    brazilian86's Avatar
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    Anxiety from test. It sucks, **lower dosage. Drink some chamomile tea. Don't stress with shit like traffic or other people.
    and breather. I had that for 2 years then went away, but the ringing in the ear is forever in my case.
    How much testosterone are you on? What other supplements you take?
    What really gave me anxiety and problems was the NO2 before workout, those things will kill ya! Too much caffeine and chemicals

  3. #3
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post

    Wanna get E2 chekd as well .. Basically until i get BW dun i wont know what the prob is..
    You essentially answered your own question. Anything else is just speculation at this point. I think we discussed BP on one of your other threads, maybe not, but I am curious if you are monitoring it and if it is elevated? Besides that, let's see some labs.

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
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    if i remember correctly you don't take AI's, correct? if so i bet your e2 is up and screwing things for you. like Brazilian said, don't think about it too much, just make sure your BP is normal until you get your blood work done. don't reduce your dose so you can see where you at then adjust accordingly. i believe your test level will be very high as well as your e2.

  5. #5
    JD250's Avatar
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    High e2, won't know for sure without blood work.

  6. #6
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Yeh i almost feel kinda wired.. With some anxiety and ear ringing thrown in.. Last nite tying to go to sleep reminded me of 5am a few yrs ago not a feeling i really want anymore... Will be calln doc this am... Blood pressure was slightly up last nite 141/74... Systolic is usually low 130 diastolic was normal..

  7. #7
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Once i got to sleep i did sleep well..
    Vits takn:
    Vit c:2000mg
    D3:cant remember 3000mg maybe
    Fish oil:5000mg

  8. #8
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    Man sorry to hear about your anxiety and other problems u are having..

    I too had this trouble when I first started trt with out the ear ringing.I was taking 200mg a week of cyp with no AI or hcg .Well after about 6 weeks I was feeling really bad anxiety and some irritability.It was so bad I was thinking trt just may not be for me.

    Anyway I went and got BW and found out my E2 was high.So I dropped my dose to 60mg 2 times a week and after a few weeks i was feeling really good!My doctor has me injecting every 2 weeks however i keep it at every 3.5 days and can tell it helps keep my E2 in check.Like some of the guys stated it probably is E2 but bw is the only way to really find this out as you know. Good luck man and hope you start feeling better soon! J
    Last edited by J DIESEL3; 01-06-2012 at 09:02 AM.

  9. #9
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    thx j diesel3.. well its good to hear im not the only one dealing with this crap

    talkd to docs asst this am and hopefully ill get lab order emaild this am and get BW taken today.. then i should know something next week...

  10. #10
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by brazilian86 View Post
    Anxiety from test. It sucks, **lower dosage. Drink some chamomile tea. Don't stress with shit like traffic or other people.
    and breather. I had that for 2 years then went away, but the ringing in the ear is forever in my case.
    How much testosterone are you on? What other supplements you take?
    What really gave me anxiety and problems was the NO2 before workout, those things will kill ya! Too much caffeine and chemicals
    This so true, i used to take sportphrama assault a few green teas and a fat burner, no wonder the damn ear was ringing.

    Tinnius can also be related to allergies, food allergies, high blood pressure, and so many other cause

  11. #11
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    This so true, i used to take sportphrama assault a few green teas and a fat burner, no wonder the damn ear was ringing.

    Tinnius can also be related to allergies, food allergies, high blood pressure, and so many other cause
    NEVER HAD THIS EAR RINGING BEFORE IN MY LIFE i am sick of it thats for sure...

  12. #12
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    I think that ear ringing could very well be your BP. Of course I am not a doc and not diagnosing you, but an 11 point increase is significant. Now what that means is up to you and your doc to figure out, but I would say you need to get bloodwork including estrogen levels for sure.

  13. #13
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    some doctors believe tinnitus and menopause are related and that as the woman experiences hot flashes, night sweats, and mood changes, the tinnitus is affected. These doctors go on to believe that with the changes of estrogen and progesterone in the body, the tinnitus and menopause could be worse or better.

    apparently this tinnitus thing has alot to do with menopausal women.. LOL seems funny me, a 37 yr old man, is also dealing with it..

  14. #14
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    The bottom line is that more research is needed on the subject of tinnitus and menopause to determine if it is in fact just an age related issue or truly has something to do with the many changes of the body. However, the one thing we do know is that HRT is strongly believed to either cause or exacerbate the problem. Therefore, before you consider HRT, look at the list of problems and talk with a reputable doctor, as this form of treatment for menopause should be a last resort. Keep in mind that today, there are many options for treatment both tinnitus and menopause.

  15. #15
    lvs is offline Associate Member
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    405, I had Menier's Disease (inner ear disease where fluids builds and puts pressure on the ear) as a kid and went through terrible bouts of tinnitus, along with being so dizzy I couldn't stand up. As a result I have permanent hearing loss in 1 ear. I am not suggesting this your problem but I feel your pain because the tinnitus can literally drive you batty. I still have short bursts of it every once in a while but it typically isn't prolonged. I just wanted to let you know that HRT has not seemed to exacerbate this at all for me. I also have high BP and use medication for this but I have also not noticed when my blood pressure spikes once in a while that I suffer from tinnitus. Headaches and lightheaded, yes, but not tinnitus.

    Have you considered seeing an ENT specialist? When did you first notice the tinnitus? Have you ever had an issue with it? Does it ever get better? Have you added anything else recently, gone to any super loud concerts or anything like that?

  16. #16
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    IVS...thx for response man.. no i havent done anything different except get on 200mg test cyp per week with no AI... thats it!

    based on what ive read online tinnitus can be aggravated in menopausal women by a change in the amy of estrogen and progesterone in the body.. it makes sense that my E2 must be the culprit as ive never experienced this before in my whole life.. also i have developed a certain amt of anxiety that came on at pretty much the same time as the tinnitus.. prob in part due to the tinnitus now that i have an idea of why its happening and what the probable culprit is i feel better and can deal with it easier cuz i know its only temporary.. but ur rite it can drive one "batty" im ready for my arimidex now!!! unfortunately i have to wait for BW.. i just hope it doesnt come back normal LOL...

  17. #17
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    i think u can get an understanding of what this is like if u clench ur jaw down real hard.. its like that but not quite as loud and it doesnt go away.. its been constant for several days...

  18. #18
    lvs is offline Associate Member
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    Try to hang in there... can you have your BW done now? Perhaps just an E2 test. It will be interesting to see if your anxiety gets better and also your tinnitus now that you have a probable cause. Stress can you make you feel bad and is a silent killer.

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    IVS...thx for response man.. no i havent done anything different except get on 200mg test cyp per week with no AI... thats it!

    based on what ive read online tinnitus can be aggravated in menopausal women by a change in the amy of estrogen and progesterone in the body.. it makes sense that my E2 must be the culprit as ive never experienced this before in my whole life.. also i have developed a certain amt of anxiety that came on at pretty much the same time as the tinnitus.. prob in part due to the tinnitus now that i have an idea of why its happening and what the probable culprit is i feel better and can deal with it easier cuz i know its only temporary.. but ur rite it can drive one "batty" im ready for my arimidex now!!! unfortunately i have to wait for BW.. i just hope it doesnt come back normal LOL...

  19. #19
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lvs View Post
    Try to hang in there... can you have your BW done now? Perhaps just an E2 test. It will be interesting to see if your anxiety gets better and also your tinnitus now that you have a probable cause. Stress can you make you feel bad and is a silent killer.
    anxiety is already alot better as well as the tinnitus doesnt bother me so much cuz i dont feel like im crazy anymore...last nite was a little tuff trying to go to sleep.. i finally did and slept well.. i think ill be ok from here on out.. hope my injection tonite doesnt make it worse over the next few days..

  20. #20
    TED66's Avatar
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    im interested to see your blood work too. i dont have the ear ringing thing but have problems staying asleep , i wake up like 6 times a night unless i take 2 xanax. i try not to take them . havent taken them in 3 days but it gets old fast not staying asleep. i have tried melatonin but have to take alot and feel weird and dazed all the next tea dont work. gonna try ambien , but would like to find something non narcotic someday that will work. i get the anxiety thing too. hope everything works out for you

  21. #21
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    Thx ted appreciate the support man

    Ill be posting bloodwork as soon as i get it.. I lookd the order over and he only tested for free and total test E2 psa tsh t3 t4 and maybe one or 2 more things.. I did noticE there was no lipid profile or chemistry panel or whatever.. Of course the 2 main things i think r impt rite now is free test and e2 ... So i didnt say anything plus i fig he knows what hes doing.. I am a little surprised he said ear ringing was unrelated to test yet i was so easily able to find info on tinnitus and its relationship to estrogen and progesterone.. Figd i wouldnt be the first with that symptom but apparently i am with him...?

  22. #22
    TED66's Avatar
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    i just remembered !!! its been so long ago since i had this sleeping problem thing but a good ...well worked good for me ,thing to take thats non-narcotic is TRAZODONE. got to get a script for it though.

  23. #23
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    200mg is a high dose for trt 405 so everyone above are right you probably have high E2 levels along with high test levels maybe some water retention causing the upper side of blood pressure.. But need bw to be sure, I was the same way about 6 months back, lower test to 100mg a weeks and adex twice a week feel a lot better.. Go see a doc and get that bw done ..

    Hope everything gets turned around quick!!
    Last edited by FONZY007; 01-06-2012 at 10:04 PM.

  24. #24
    Brohim's Avatar
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    Do you have access to AI and HCG ?

  25. #25
    ConArmas is offline Junior Member
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    405: I am following you closely as I am 1 week behind and have the same symptoms. Good luck !

  26. #26
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    Do you have access to AI and HCG?
    current protocol:test cyp 100mg every 3.5days/hcg 250iu day before injection

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConArmas View Post
    405: I am following you closely as I am 1 week behind and have the same symptoms. Good luck !
    u getn the ear ringing con?

    now that i know why i have it i can deal alot better.. last nite went to sleep no prob.. gave myself 100mg inject last nite too.. i expect to be on AI by the end of this coming week

  28. #28
    ConArmas is offline Junior Member
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    Yup. I think it's making me a little bit crazy...

  29. #29
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    Wish nebido was FDA approved in the US..

  30. #30
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    Wish nebido was FDA approved in the US..
    will that solve the problems in this thread..sorry u lost me

  31. #31
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConArmas View Post
    Yup. I think it's making me a little bit crazy...
    From wat i can tell its normal as a side con.. Maybe unusual but we both have it

    On pos note i took shot last nite and so far today feel pretty good.. Ringing not too bad and no anxiety.. Weird

  32. #32
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman
    will that solve the problems in this thread..sorry u lost me
    No It won't!! But if was FDA approved a lot of the people here in the state wouldn't be fighting these side effects, sorry if I threw you off.. Maybe I'll just keep my comments to myself!!

  33. #33
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    dont take me the wrong way i wasnt being condescending

    if nebido creates less/zero sides without having to add in ancillaries like AI, hcg , etc. or just less sides in general then that itself makes sense...

  34. #34
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman

    dont take me the wrong way i wasnt being condescending

    if nebido creates less/zero sides without having to add in ancillaries like AI, hcg, etc. or just less sides in general then that itself makes sense...
    All good..

  35. #35
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Well just an update.. Ears still ringing.. Anxiety is way down .. Its amazing wat u can get used to ConArmas curious as to how ur doin? Hoping to get BW results maybe tues or wed.. Until then i guess ill just continue to enjoy the crickets i have in my head 24/7...

    I have noticed like this am when i woke up i felt alot like i did before TRt.. (like a tired old man)... wonder if test levels r low due to aromatization?? Itll be nice to just sit in silence..

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