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Thread: Face tanning

  1. #1
    supersteve Guest

    Face tanning

    Hey everyone, I'm having a big problem with my face at the moment and need help.

    Ever since i used acne meds (finished roaccutane 6 months ago and used minocyline and benzyl peroxide before this) my face has remained red and blotchy because I was an idiot and rarely used sunscreen while on all this.

    I used to be very dark when I was really young but my tan faded over the years as I got older because I wasn't going out in the sun as much. I've recently started tanning again and my body is getting dark again but my face remains reddish/pink - i'm guessing there was pigmentation damage.

    Can I get some advice on how to get my face tanned again? I've been using spf30 sunscreen on it because i dont want it to get redder, but im guessing this is preventing it from tanning also. What should I be using?

    Also I live in Australia so I always tan out in the sun. It's winter here now but it's still pretty damn hot and my body has been tanning well. I've never used a tanning bed, should I try this instead?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    new orleans, louisiana
    yea I had the same problem after accutane my face was red and ugly but it fades after a while like a year

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