My girlfriend and her mother run a laser skin center here in my home town, and this is some basic information about some of the services they offer that I've noticed a lot more people are using lately:

FotoFacial® Treatment

What areas can be treated?
Treatments utilizing ELOS™ technology can be used on any part of the skin. They are especially effective for improving the appearance of the face, neck, chest and hands.

What results can I expect?
People with visible aging from the sun can expect to see their skin become smoother, with a decrease in fine wrinkles, reduction in pore size and fading of sunspots. You can expect to see a gradual decrease in overall redness, flushing and dilated capillaries. Many people with rosacea see an improvement in breakouts and are able to decrease or discontinue their medications.

What is a FotoFacial® treatment like?
Each treatment utilizing ELOS™ technology takes approximately 20 to 45 minutes. A mild amount of discomfort can be expected. Immediately following a treatment, the skin may appear red and flushed, and tiny capillaries may appear more visible. Brown spots generally appear darker. All of these changes gradually fade over a period of time.

How soon will I see results?
After your first treatment, your skin will feel smoother and will have a more even tone. Smaller pore size is often most noticed first. Patients with visible sun damage will see the sunspots darken and then gently peel away. Improvements are gradual and will be more visible after each treatment. Five treatments are performed for optimal results. Some patients will benefit from additional treatments.

Who are the best candidates for FotoFacial® treatments?
The best candidates utilizing ELOS™ technology treatments are:

• People with early aging changes and sun damage, who desire healthier more youthful-appearing skin;
• People who suffer from rosacea and experience flushing and redness of their skin;
• People who don’t want to take time off to heal from laser resurfacing or chemical peels;
• Active people who don't want the treatments to interfere with social or outdoor activities.

Aurora® Hair Removal System

How does Aurora® work?
Aurora® is a faster, gentler way to remove unwanted hair, with great results. It applies precisely controlled pulses of energy (electrical and light, with cooling), reaching into the hair follicles that lie beneath the skin. The energy heats the hair, right down to the bottom of the root, destroying it without damaging surrounding tissue or skin.

What does it feel like?
Each pulse, which lasts less than a second, produces a slight tingling feeling. In particularly sensitive areas, such as the upper lip, it may feel like a quick, light pinch.

Is it suitable for everyone?
Aurora® enables our Nurses to customize the treatment to exactly match your hair and skin color and type. As long as there is some color in your hair (even blond hair has enough color), then Aurora® will be effective.

What about side effects?
The energies used by Aurora (electrical and light) are both commonly used in a range of medical and cosmetic procedures that have proven to be safe. Most people experience no side effects at all, though few exhibit some short-term local reddening of the surrounding skin. You can return to your regular activities immediately after treatment, although it is advisable to keep the skin protected from exposure to direct sunlight for a short period of time.

How many treatments will I need?
Similar to other technologies, Aurora® destroys hairs that are in the active growth phase, so repeat treatments will be needed to target hair that was not affected at the time of previous treatments. You will need five treatments to get the optimum results and our written guarantee.

What results can I expect?
Aurora has been proven to be effective for hair removal with each individual treatment. At the end of the treatment program you can expect your skin to remain smooth.

What makes Aurora® different?
Aurora is based on a unique technology, called ELOS™, which utilizes the synergy of electrical energy and light to remove hair more gently and effectively than any other system.


What is Microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is a scientific method using gentle abrasion and suction to improve the skin's surface. It is used for skin resurfacing and treating a range of skin abnormalities. This treatment has been used in Europe for years; now this exciting procedure is helping men and women in the United States experience remarkable improvements in their skin texture, regardless of skin color. With our Microdermabrasion skin treatment program, you can see immediate improvements in your skin's appearance. This unique approach removes dead and flaking skin cells and stimulates the production of fresh, young skin cells and collagen.

What results can I expect?
Depending on the area treated, you will notice an improvement in your skin's appearance. Stretch marks and acne scars will be less obvious. Age spots and fine lines are reduced, and many patients report that their skin seems softer, tighter, smoother and younger looking.

What are Microdermabrasion treatments like?
A Nurse will gently rub the microderm abrasive head over your treatment areas, causing a deep exfoliating of your skin while the machine produces a gentle suction that removes particles from your pores. In as little as 20 - 30 minutes, this gentle abrasive technique efficiently produces satisfying results. Treatments are applied through a course of weekly sessions. Microdermabrasion enhances the skin’s condition by stimulating collagen production and does what no other available non-surgical treatment can do in combating the signs of aging skin. Most importantly, it is safe to use on all skin types and colors.

How soon will I see results?
After your first treatment, your skin will have a fresh, pink glow and smoother texture. Improvements continue throughout your treatment program. The number of treatments recommended for maximum results ranges from five to 15 treatments.