I got blood work this past Saturday (fasting) as I am trying to dial in my E2 levels (still elevated unfortunately). When receiving my results today, I noticed my BUN & Creatinine levels are elevated (1st time ever and I get lab work done approx. every 2 months). My BUN is 22 on a range of 6-20 mg/dL. Creatinine, Serum was 1.36 on a range of .76-1.27 mg/dL.
With the above in mind, I am wondering if anything I am taking looks alarming? Possibly the Arimidex I started taking for the past 6 weeks?
Following list I have been taking with no affects on BUN/Creatinine, Serum levels:
- NOW Omega-3 (2,160mg EPA / 1,440mg DHA total - divided amongst breakfast, lunch & dinner)
- NOW vitamin C (1,000mg - breakfast, lunch & dinner)
- Source Naturals Life Force Multi (breakfast & dinner)
- Solaray Zinc/Copper (50mg/2mg - breakfast)
- Now B-6 (100mg - lunch)
- MRM Methyl B-12 lozenges w/ folic acid (2,000mcg /400mcg - lunch)
- NOW D-3 (12,000iu total - 5k breakfast, 2k lunch & 5k dinner)
- LEF micronized DHEA (25mg - breakfast & lunch)
- NOW vitamin E (400iu mixed tocopherols - breakfast & dinner)
- NOW Magnesium (400mg - dinner)
- NutriCology micronized Pregnenolone (50mg - breakfast)
- Allmax L-Arginine HCL powder (2g - breakfast & dinner)
- Allmax creatine mono (5g - breakfast or post workout)
Following list I have recently added within the past 5 weeks (after previous blood work 6 weeks ago):
- NOW vitamin A (25,000iu - breakfast [mon/wed/fri])
- NOW NAC (600mg - dinner)
- Arimidex script (.5mg 24hrs after test injection [Sun & Wed])
- Health Supplements Citrulline powder (2g - breakfast & dinner)
- MACA powder (1 tsp ~4g - breakfast & dinner)
- NOW Chromium Picolinate (800mcg pre-workout)
- NOW EGCg (600mg pre-workout)
- LiftMode Synephrine HCL (1 week at 50mg & 1 week at 100mg pre-workout)
Things to note...
I had a 6hr tattoo session on Friday the 21st of June, so 8 days prior to blood work. During this session/day, I took a total of 3 Vicodin (5/500 ea) and 3 Ibuprofen (800mg ea). I would think this would have cleared my system, but maybe my body sees the actual tattoo/healing process as an infection?
I do not drink alcohol nor do I do any drugs of any kind.
Please let me know what you think? If I missed anything, ask away...
Thanks in advance