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  1. #1
    SayHelotomylilFriend is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2005

    Extremly confused ...

    Hi all. I still fight myselft with the concept of over-training and under-training workouts.

    after weeks and weeks of reading and posting on this board, I came to a workout looking like this:

    ON: Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday
    OFF: Wedenesday - Friday - Sunday

    Monday: Pec - Triceps - Abs
    Tuesday: Legs - Calves
    Wednesday: OFF (recuperation, muscle construction)
    Thursday: Back - Biceps - Forearms
    Friday: OFF (recuperation, muscle construction)
    Saturday: Shoulder - Traps - Calves - Abs
    Sunday: OFF (recuperation, muscle construction)

    I do no OFF days between Mon and Thu because I don't hit back the arms and upper body again while doing my legs workout..

    Some specs:
    At the moment I'm 100% natural. I plan to start my first roids cycles soon.
    Specs as of Mai 2005:
    Sex: Male
    Age: 20
    weight: 160 pounds - 72.6 kg
    height: 1.83 meters
    Supplement intake: Protain-Glutamine
    diet: 4-5 Highly proteined/Low carbs/Low fat meal a day.

    Chest: 36.2"
    Waist: 31.8"
    Bicep: 13.4"
    Forearm: 11.2"
    Thigh: 22"
    Calve: 14.9"
    Neck: 15.2"
    Shoulders: 44.9"

    My question is:
    Why not ALSO doing Wednesday ON: Back - Biceps - Forearms

    Because Monday: Pec - Triceps - Abs and Tuesday: Legs - Calves.
    So I don't see any problem doing Wednesday ON because it would be Back, Biceps and Forearms only, which is the upper buddy.. which I did not hitted since Monday.

    In Brief, I believe in always having 1 off day between 2 workout for a muscle group.

    So If what I say above is good.. I could do the following without being overtraining. Is that correct ?:

    ON: Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 5
    OFF: Day 4 - Day 6

    Day 1: Pec - Triceps - Abs (Upper body)
    Day 2: Legs - Calves (not hitting Updder body at all)
    Day 3: Back - Biceps - Forearms (Upper body)
    Day 4: OFF (recuperation, muscle construction)
    Day 5: Shoulder - Traps - Calves - Abs (Upper body)
    Day 6: OFF (recuperation, muscle construction)

    Please tell me if I'm wrong saying this is not overtraining because I always have a day off before hitting a body part again (upper body or down body).

    thanks all.

  2. #2
    ReX357's Avatar
    ReX357 is offline "Toughest & Best Looking Guy Around Here"
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    Behind you

    Day 1 - Chest/Triceps
    Day 2 - Back/Biceps
    Day 3 - Off
    Day 4 - Shoulders/Traps
    Day 5 - Legs
    Day 6 - Off

  3. #3
    SayHelotomylilFriend is offline Associate Member
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    Don't you think that an OFF day for recuperation and muscle construction is neccessary between Chest/Triceps and Back/Biceps ?

  4. #4
    ReX357's Avatar
    ReX357 is offline "Toughest & Best Looking Guy Around Here"
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    Behind you
    Quote Originally Posted by SayHelotomylilFriend
    Don't you think that an OFF day for recuperation and muscle construction is neccessary between Chest/Triceps and Back/Biceps ?
    No. The muscles involved aren't the same. An off day is much more necessary between legs and back (since they are the two biggest muscles)

  5. #5
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    i would do that spilt before the one you posted

    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357

    Day 1 - Chest/Triceps
    Day 2 - Back/Biceps
    Day 3 - Off
    Day 4 - Shoulders/Traps
    Day 5 - Legs
    Day 6 - Off
    umm where is day 7? your training legs the day before back sticks out at me because it almost screams that there can be no deadlifting in your back routine which i think is a mistake.not a mistake, but something to think about. the spilt rx has here spaces things out more.
    do not forget though....just because you have now broken up the body parts as RX has shown you, you can still overtrain due to volume. what type of volume are you doing in sets and reps?hell you can space it anyway you want, if the volume of trainign is too much you just shot yourself in the foot again.
    i believe in HIT trainign personally. now we can debate any training system for years on end, but for me (a classic ecto) i want to hit it hard and get out with my nervous system intact. for me , more isn't better. mod heavy/ heavy, hard,quick sessions, go home and eat, sleep works for me.
    think about the volume of your training once you have the split down.

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i do
    Back Bis
    Chest Tri
    this gives ample break between shouldres and chest
    and legs and back

  7. #7
    SayHelotomylilFriend is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i do
    Back Bis
    Chest Tri
    this gives ample break between shouldres and chest
    and legs and back

    Then That's what i'm gonna do !

    Anyone approve this one ? partyboy... ? Swole... ? etc.. ?

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