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  1. #1
    Syndicate's Avatar
    Syndicate is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004

    Fractured my finger...

    Ok so I was freeweight squating 365, repped to 6 and knew I had 2 more in me, so I told my partner to grab my sides for a spot... 7 (alittle shaky and he didnt grab my sides, it all good I got the last one with out him) drop for eight and realize athird of the way up I dont have it, by this time my buddy finaly realizes I dont have it and rushes and attemps to pick me and the weight up as I drop to my knees and set the bar on the safety pins, during the drop, him trying to pick me up and me moving my hands away from where the steel rods are... I crush my left ring finger between the bar and safety pins. Anyways I go the ER and have an xray, Its fractured (more like split) right down the center of the tip of my finger.

    My question is how I can still train? Im on an expensive IGF and minor Superdrol run... About 2 weeks into it. Any thoughts? The doctor obviosly said no to working out, yet I take that with a grain of salt.

  2. #2
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    May 2005
    AHH I've always been afraid of u A. squat with your hands very wide on the bar or B. Are the safety pins really close in. I would take painkillers like hell and try and lift, yet that seems like it would hinder your lifting quite a bit. I guess you can try but it would sound really painful.

  3. #3
    Syndicate's Avatar
    Syndicate is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004
    A. I keep my hands wide. It just feels more natual. and B. I cant really use pain killers, yet that doesnt matter. I just dont see how I can train my back for a month. Damnit!!

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