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  1. #1
    JerzeyBoy's Avatar
    JerzeyBoy is offline Member
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    Please critque my workout

    Monday: Chest/Triceps
    1) Flat Bench Press
    2) Flat Dumbbell Flyes
    3) Incline Bench Press
    1) Nosebreakers
    2) Dips
    3) Tricep Pushdowns
    Tuesday: Back/Biceps
    1) Wide Grip Cable Pulldowns
    2) Lying T-Bar Rows
    3)Seated Cable Rows

    1) Barbell Curls
    2) Dumbbell Curls
    3) Hammer Curls
    Wednesday: Legs/Forearms
    1) Leg Presses/Squats (Switched Bi-Weekly)
    2) Leg Curls
    3) Leg Extensions
    1) Forearm Curls
    2) Reverse Forearm Curls
    Thursday: Shoulders/Calves
    Shoulders: add some shoulder presses.
    1) Military Press
    2) Bent-Over Laterals
    3) Shoulder Presses
    1) Dumbbell Shrugs
    2) Barbell Shrugs Back
    1) Standing Calf Raises
    2) Seated Calf Raises

    How is my mass workout routine? What does it need? What doesn't it need? For mass it should only be 6reps and 3sets kept heavy right? And how often should I use supersets and exactly how??


  2. #2
    S.P.G's Avatar
    S.P.G is offline AR Workout Scientist
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    uk/ south east
    Quote Originally Posted by JerzeyBoy
    Monday: Chest/Triceps
    1) Flat Bench Press
    2) Flat Dumbbell Flyes
    3) Incline Bench Press
    1) Nosebreakers
    2) Dips
    3) Tricep Pushdowns
    Tuesday: Back/Biceps
    1) Wide Grip Cable Pulldowns
    2) Lying T-Bar Rows
    3)Seated Cable Rows

    1) Barbell Curls
    2) Dumbbell Curls
    3) Hammer Curls
    Wednesday: Legs/Forearms
    1) Leg Presses/Squats (Switched Bi-Weekly)
    2) Leg Curls
    3) Leg Extensions
    1) Forearm Curls
    2) Reverse Forearm Curls
    Thursday: Shoulders/Calves
    Shoulders: add some shoulder presses.
    1) Military Press
    2) Bent-Over Laterals
    3) Shoulder Presses
    1) Dumbbell Shrugs
    2) Barbell Shrugs Back
    1) Standing Calf Raises
    2) Seated Calf Raises

    How is my mass workout routine? What does it need? What doesn't it need? For mass it should only be 6reps and 3sets kept heavy right? And how often should I use supersets and exactly how??

    Hay matt,, this looks ok to me as a mass routine, good basic midrange compound movements, could do with some weighted pull-ups on back day along with some bent over rows and deadlifts, over all looks good, but remember this is merely words on paper, or screen in this case,, what you put in to your training will determine the outcome, (if this is a good routine or not) train like a girl and you will get them results train like a animal and you will be one,,
    Last edited by S.P.G; 06-07-2005 at 06:43 AM.

  3. #3
    Motion's Avatar
    Motion is offline Associate Member
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    Personally, I think you should spread it out more. 4 straight days of heavy lifting is rough, you need some healing time in there.

  4. #4
    S.P.G's Avatar
    S.P.G is offline AR Workout Scientist
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    uk/ south east
    Yes,, recuperation is as important as the routine itself if u have to train 4-5 days in a row make sure you don’t over lap muscle groups example, keep bis, away from back, tris, and shoulders away from chest, or if u have a problem doing that, do shoulders with chest,, in my opinion the shoulders get a lot of stimulation during chest so doing them on a additional day would be over training the shoulders…
    Last edited by S.P.G; 06-07-2005 at 08:52 AM.

  5. #5
    JerzeyBoy's Avatar
    JerzeyBoy is offline Member
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    Jun 2004
    Thanks for the feedback so far fellas...


  6. #6
    Dally's Avatar
    Dally is offline The Dally Lama
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    personally I wouldnt train upper body 2 days in a row... Id go chest/tris to legs then rest then to back/bis then shoulders/other. then rest dayand repeat

    personally I wouldnt do more that 12 sets of heavy and would up the reps being all to failure.

    my routine is what ever isn't sore that day, gets blasted...

    I instinctively train... maybe not the best, but for me RIGHT now thats what I have to do.

    good luck man.

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