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  1. #1
    tretch187's Avatar
    tretch187 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2005

    Something wrong with my "light" cardio

    I just don't get it. I get up every morning to do my cardio sessions with my heart rate monitor in hand (former Swole client, so thats one big muscular boot flyin at my ass to get up and do it ) I get there and set up....

    It seems just too intense when I go off my heart rate monitor reading. I hear people talking about 3-3.5-3.7mph on the treadmill at an incline to get their HR up. Most days according to my HR monitor, even at 4.3 with an incline of 11.0 I am just barely making 120. Let me tell you....that is a BRISK ass walk lol. I bounce back and forth depending on the day, sometimes I agree with the HR monitor...others I decide it has to be wrong and slow it down a bit.

    Any ideas on what is going on? Anyone else have to walk like a crackhead?

    I noticed if I push my HR monitor hard against my chest, the rate will go up lol. Even when I have it as tight as it goes. It was like 90 bucks, so I dont think it is a piece of trash...who knows..

    I need ideas though..thats for sure

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Dec 2002
    They can give inaccurate readings, yes.

    I never use one, I just use a pace that allows me to chat w/another by being able to say a few words, take a breath, then say some more words, etc. Never should you be out of breath, nor be able to sit there and reel off War and Peace.


  3. #3
    tretch187's Avatar
    tretch187 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2005
    thanks swole, appreciate the assist.


  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Dec 2002
    Yup yup!!!


  5. #5
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    I don't use one either, just been too cheap to buy one! But I've been doing cardio and the conversational pace. I do it hard enough so that I could talk to someone while doing my cardio, should this be fine? Are you in danger of going anaerobic when breathing starts to get really heavy?

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