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  1. #1
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
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    May 2005

    Is this decent for my weight?

    I'm just starting getting back into lifting weights after a long layoff. I'm 6' 220 (with long arms, helped in boxing but doesn't help in lifting) 25 years old. I'm all natural, in fact I don't even take creatine. Just whey+dex PWO and casein+flax before bed. I also take a multi and some vit c caps.

    The other day when doing flat dumbell press I pyramided down to doing 110's for a set of 4 (3 clean, my partner gave me a little help on the fourth one). Is that pretty good for someone my weight just getting back into it?

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I would say that is indeed good, yes!


  3. #3
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
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    May 2005
    Thanks Swole. I've been browsing and observing this board for a while. It's just recently that I started posting. The people on here are extremely knowledgeable about diet/working out/supps etc. Not to mention very helpful and friendly.

    Your credentials are pretty outstanding as well. Have you ever worked with any pro boxers? I would imagine you have gotten oppurtunites to work in a pro boxing training camp as a strength and conditioning coach or nutritionist. I've seen some of your pics over the last couple of months. Pretty jacked!

  4. #4
    Billyspt4 is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds good to me

  5. #5
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Gunn
    Thanks Swole. I've been browsing and observing this board for a while. It's just recently that I started posting. The people on here are extremely knowledgeable about diet/working out/supps etc. Not to mention very helpful and friendly.

    Your credentials are pretty outstanding as well. Have you ever worked with any pro boxers? I would imagine you have gotten oppurtunites to work in a pro boxing training camp as a strength and conditioning coach or nutritionist. I've seen some of your pics over the last couple of months. Pretty jacked!
    No boxers as of yet, no, but some actors in the L.A. area and some models as well. Christian Thibadeau from T-Mag, Jeremy Likness the CEO of Natural Physiques, and numerous Division 1 college athletes.


  6. #6
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
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    May 2005
    Cool bro.

    I wish I was making your money. Good luck with everything. You ever think of competing again? You look awesome.
    Last edited by Tommy Gunn; 07-13-2005 at 11:27 PM.

  7. #7
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
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    May 2005
    One more thing, when I do any heavy compound exercise (flat/incline dumbell bench press, squats, deads, dumbell shoulder press, bent over dumbell rows, upright rows, and lat pulldowns) I do 4 sets of 5 reps. I also try to increase the weight each set. For example I'll do flat dumbell bench press 1 set of 95 for 5, 1 set of 100 for 5, 1 set of 105 for 5, and my last set of 110 to 5 or as many as I can get.

    Is this wise or should I just try to do my heaviest weight (in this case 110) for all 4 sets of 5? And than in the next couple of weeks when I'm ready, jump up to 115's and do them for all 4 sets of 5?
    Last edited by Tommy Gunn; 07-14-2005 at 04:23 PM.

  8. #8
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
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    May 2005
    Can any of you fellas help me with my last question?

  9. #9
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
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  10. #10
    JasperJ's Avatar
    JasperJ is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Gunn
    One more thing, when I do any heavy compound exercise (flat/incline dumbell bench press, squats, deads, dumbell shoulder press, bent over dumbell rows, upright rows, and lat pulldowns) I do 4 sets of 5 reps. I also try to increase the weight each set. For example I'll do flat dumbell bench press 1 set of 95 for 5, 1 set of 100 for 5, 1 set of 105 for 5, and my last set of 110 to 5 or as many as I can get.

    Is this wise or should I just try to do my heaviest weight (in this case 110) for all 4 sets of 5? And than in the next couple of weeks when I'm ready, jump up to 115's and do them for all 4 sets of 5?
    Are you strength training? If not I wouldn't run it like that bro, because you're hardly coming to failure on the first two sets. If you can get out 5 reps on your 4th set @ 110 it sounds like you're ready to go up to 115 now.

  11. #11
    S.P.G's Avatar
    S.P.G is offline AR Workout Scientist
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    uk/ south east
    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Gunn
    One more thing, when I do any heavy compound exercise (flat/incline dumbell bench press, squats, deads, dumbell shoulder press, bent over dumbell rows, upright rows, and lat pulldowns) I do 4 sets of 5 reps. I also try to increase the weight each set. For example I'll do flat dumbell bench press 1 set of 95 for 5, 1 set of 100 for 5, 1 set of 105 for 5, and my last set of 110 to 5 or as many as I can get.

    Is this wise or should I just try to do my heaviest weight (in this case 110) for all 4 sets of 5? And than in the next couple of weeks when I'm ready, jump up to 115's and do them for all 4 sets of 5?
    Hay bro, if muscle is what your after I would recommend using a repartition of 8-10-12
    This will make the muscle work more using and recruiting more muscle fibbers thus, more hypertrophy in the muscle, imo it really doesn’t mater that much what you do as long as you progress and use the right rep range,

  12. #12
    Veretta21 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2003
    It sounds like your doing some kind of 5x5 routine---if you get the right program it will work wonders for strength and mass--I have been on a variation of 5x5 that I got from this guy madcow who posts at elitefitness and am the strongest I have ever been

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