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  1. #1
    devil1's Avatar
    devil1 is offline Jacked Jarhead
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    hows everyones shoulders?

    ive read a few posts lately about shoulder pain, including mine. ive stayed away from heavy incline/decline. shoulders are feeling alot better

  2. #2
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    i've always suffered probs. with my shoulders doing miltary press mainly, but i switched to the smith machine doing that which helps much more in keeping my shoulders stable (no shaking) therefore, much less chances getting hurt, and it works unless i overload the bar too much.

  3. #3
    WildCh1ld's Avatar
    WildCh1ld is offline Banned
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    I'm actually going to the doctor soon because I've been off for 6 weeks and started lifting Mon with very light-high-reps and I'm in some fvcking pain at night, the doc told me that he's going to try a steroid next (Kenalog) it's a anti-inflammatory to see if that works. If it doesn't it's surgery time, i'm going this weekend...I hate life right now..

  4. #4
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have bone spurs in both shoulders so militaries are a real bitch. I do Arnold presses and military presses with dumbells and it helps.

  5. #5
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Try doing some sled-work. Read up on it a bit, there are a few different methods...

  6. #6
    SuperChicken1 is offline Junior Member
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    If you've got sharp pain see a doctor. If he/she says it is okay then do the exercise from DC

    How to cure shoulder problems (Trust me this will do it 90% of the time)
    With a large towel or broomstick I want you to hold it with straight arms for the entire time of what i describe in the following movement--a large "rolled up like a rope" beach towel works good but honestly a longer broomstick (without the bristles) works best in my opinion. Start out with it with a really wide grip (with straight arms) in front of you (on your quads) and with straight arms bring it up and overhead and then down and back to the middle of your back--STRAIGHT ARMS ALL THE WAY--this is going to be very difficult and hard the first couple times out and then will be "old hat" with time----and its going to be painful in a stretching pump kind of way---i want 50 reps each time you do this--one repetition is from in front of your face (all with straight arms) to up overhead and back, and then down all the way to the middle of your back and then back up overhead to in front of your face again (again all with straight arms)--the important part of the movement is the area overhead that is really tight--do all of this carefully/slowly---dont just whip it over and back---if your hand is slipping off the broomstick even with the widest grip, or you cant bring your arms over straight and the start bending on you, you have some serious shoulder inflexibility and need to work this hard and get up to speed (or you could just need a longer broomstick too)--again do all of these revolutions controlled and carefully--push into the stretch as you go along toward the 50 revolutions, your chest will be pushing outward and your shoulders rolling back--your shoulders are going to blow up with so much blood its going to be incredibly painfull pumpwise--Do this once a day at nite as many times a week as you can---sometimes I have people do it every single day---but every time you do it try to move your grip inward (thats the key)----its going to be very hard to do but try your best to move your grip inward for the next 2-4 weeks and your range of motion with shoulders will increase dramatically and any impingement and the majority of other problems should be gone in 2 weeks--also try to move your grip in as you are doing the 50 revolutions--start off with a stretching but relatively easy 10 to warm up some, then try to move your grip in even by a centimeter if you can for the next 20 revolutions and then at 30 try to move the grip in another centimeter--really try to push what you can do stretchwise once your warmed up here--trust me this sounds easy but your going to be muttering "**** you dante" after you get to your 25th revolution--Ive cured too many shoulder problems with this simple movement now its pretty ridiculous, and this and a menthol rub applied liberally daily and before sleep has cured alot of shoulder/bicepital tendonitis in trainees ---Heres a pic attached to this post so you can get an idea (thanks to a trainee of mine who cured his shoulders with this)--but remember the broomstick goes overhead and all the way back to the middle of the back (he just drew the start of the movement when you begin)
    For Training Inquiries please contact me at [email protected]
    (If im too busy there is only one guy that has my personal approval and trust to train you 'with my methods' and thats Inhuman) highest quality at the rock bottom lowest price

    It has done wonders for me!

    Super Chicken1

  7. #7
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm sure this may be effective for joint problems but bone spurs are actually the bone overgrowing and the only treatment is arthroscopic surgery. I've had an MRI done and both sides are ****ed. It's occupational related.

  8. #8
    devil1's Avatar
    devil1 is offline Jacked Jarhead
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    good info superchicken, thanks. ill have to try it

  9. #9
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    How are my arms supposed to go that far back?


  10. #10
    S.P.G's Avatar
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    my left shoulder is always trashed....

  11. #11
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
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    I did about ten of DC's delt revolutions w a beach towel. Could not get it further down than the back of my neck, and I had to lean in w my waist to get it that far.
    I don't believe I can get it any farther down.

  12. #12
    chicamahomico's Avatar
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    Interesting protocol SuperChicken.

    I have been doing that exact stretch for years but it never ocurred to me to do it ni that manner. Definitely going to be working this into my routine asap. Will keep you guys posted.

  13. #13
    Darkness's Avatar
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    I noticed that after I stop doing military presses and just doing DB presses the pains are gone.

  14. #14
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    The only time that I have ever had problems with my shoulders was with the behind-the-neck press. I loved performing this exercise because lets you put up tremendous weight. Not everyone should perform this exercise though. Some say no one should perform this exercise. I spoke with a physical therapist, with two master degrees, and she said that as long as you can perform it with a pain-free ROM, go ahead. I couldn't because it would make my shoulder joints burn like fire, afterwards. I really miss that lift!

  15. #15
    brocaster is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by striker93
    The only time that I have ever had problems with my shoulders was with the behind-the-neck press. I loved performing this exercise because lets you put up tremendous weight. Not everyone should perform this exercise though. Some say no one should perform this exercise. I spoke with a physical therapist, with two master degrees, and she said that as long as you can perform it with a pain-free ROM, go ahead. I couldn't because it would make my shoulder joints burn like fire, afterwards. I really miss that lift!
    What is the behind the neck press all about? Why is it dangerous to alot of people.

  16. #16
    eljeffe's Avatar
    eljeffe is offline Junior Member
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    my shoulders are also thrashed, I have bad tendonitous, lifted 225 on bb press and that was just too much.

  17. #17
    RobbieG's Avatar
    RobbieG is offline Member
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    what is a military press ?

  18. #18
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Since I've stopped doing btn bbell presses, my shoulder pain has dropped significantly.
    However, when I'm doing weighted wide grip chins, I feel quite a bit of tension in the left delt, particularly.

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