I recently finished up my first cycle, and everyone on this board was a huge help to me, esp. Big Kev. I was able to put on quit a bit of size and strength, and thus far retain everything (and continue to increase gains) with going on Cell Tech and decreasing workout frequency by one-day right after I went off the juice. I have put my training split I am using now, and the one I intend to use for my next training cycle bellow. I was very curious to hear everyone?s criticism and comments. My main objective is to build mass and strength. I am not very interested in being very cut. Here are my routines:

Current Routine (Off Juice)

Monday: Chest, and Calves
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Back, Traps and Forearms
Thursday: Triceps and Shoulders
Friday: Off
Saturday: Legs and Biceps
Sunday: Off

Juiced Routine

Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Back and Forearms
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Triceps and Shoulders
Friday: Legs and Calves
Saturday: Biceps and Traps
Sunday: Off

My ?off? juice routine consists of 9 sets for major body parts (warm ups no included), (ie. Chest, Back, Legs) and 7 sets for smaller body parts (ie. Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, Traps), and 4 sets for very small body parts (Forearms and Calves).

My ?on? juice routine consists of 12 sets for major body parts (warm ups not included), (ie. Chest, Back, Legs) and 9 sets for smaller body parts (ie. Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, Traps), and 6 sets for very small body parts (Forearms and Calves).

I do both routines heavy. On major body parts my first exercise is usually in the 6-8 rep range, second exercise is 8-10, and the third exercise is in the 10-12 rep range.

Current ally I am 22 years old, 5?10? 270 pounds and have one cycle beneath my belt. My bench press is 455 for 5 (with a pause), deadlift 600 for 3, and squat is around 500. Like I had said, I am not interested in cutting up. I would like to put on as much mass and strength as possible. I would like to increase all my lifts, esp. the bench press, deadlift and squat. Currently, I am not a powerlifter, but have trained powerlifting methods in the past. I want to increase overall strength and size, and found a lot of methods geared only towards the three major lifts. When I do my next cycle, I will be using D Bal (or Anadrol ), T200, Decca, and Trembolne Accatate. With these aides, would my recovery time with my five-day split be sufficient to build optimum strength and mass. These steroids are pretty powerful so I was hoping they would prevent over training with this regime. My schedule enables me to train as often or as little as I please. I would hate to spend all that money, and workout only 3-4 days a week, if I can get better results from this 5 day a week plan. I welcome any comments or criticism. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you,
