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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    parked in yo momma

    Left trap is bigger but right is stronger...?

    wtf? ok i am 100% sure im not imagining it. my left trap is much bigger and my right is much stonger, i feel like i want to work out my right one a little more to increase size, but it will just get so much stronger than it already is. anyway, probably not a big deal. i guess the bigger they both get the less i will notice the difference, right?
    and please dont tell me the same answer to every single other question on the board...

    ok, i know...genetics.

  2. #2
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
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    Genetics might have a little to do with it, but with a couple weeks, you'll be back on the right track. Take a week and hit traps twice, both days shrugging with only your small side for modersate reps, and as heavy a weight you can handle. Burn it alone, and it'll grow to match the other side.

  3. #3
    Billyspt4 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2005
    Do you do dead lifts at all?

  4. #4
    Billyspt4 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2005
    the reason I ask is because, it may be that if you're using the same grip everytime, the right one is getting stronger from doing those, but the left one is just naturally bigger. You may want to alternate your grip if you perform deads. And you could always just do lightweight high reps for the left and heavyweight low reps to gain size on the right one. The stregth difference won't matter, I'd be worried about symmetry

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    parked in yo momma
    Quote Originally Posted by Billyspt4
    Do you do dead lifts at all?
    not seriously, but ive been meaning to. maybe once i start doing deads like i should my traps will even out.

  6. #6
    Bound for Muscle's Avatar
    Bound for Muscle is offline Associate Member
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    Arlington Texas
    maybe you have something in the your back slightly out of alignment and that is causing your right trap to contract in a different fashion than the left?

    i have something similar. i have noticed that when doing curls i can perform the entire range of motionwith both arms. with my right arm my shoulder stays and the rotation is in my elbow. with my arm my shoulder rotates back and i have no control over it. i, as well as other people have noticed that when i stand perfectly straight my left shoulder is slightly higher up than my right, causing it to look like i'm leaning sometimes

    anyway, you could try going to a chiropractor that specializes in sports medicine, if you think this is a possibility

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