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  1. #1
    mamias20918756 is offline Associate Member
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    Eating chicken with pasta

    So...What's the best?

    Refering to bulking routines i found that one of the best routines is 5 day split of muscle groups, mon:chest, tues:bi's/tri's, wed:legs thur:back, Frid:shoulders.
    Is this ok?
    I mean when i asked for advice in order to plan my routine i got the same answer from almost everybody, DON'T TRAIN MORE THAN 2 DAYS IN A ROW.
    Cause u will end up overtraining ur CNS,
    if this is true, then what spilt routine would u advise to someone who's interested on bulking and is currently on cycle?

  2. #2
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    i switched up my routine last week and posted for suggestions. I like this one:

    M - Chest, tris, calves
    T - Rest
    W - Back (forearms & hams), biceps, traps
    T - Rest
    F - Quads, shoulders, calves
    S - Rest
    S - Rest

    throw abs in a couple times per week and your good.

  3. #3
    mamias20918756 is offline Associate Member
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    i dunno man, i'm on cycle and a 3 day routine will make me feel bored, i have a 4day routine right now and i feel like i have a lot more energy to do more workouts but i don't so that i'm not overtrained. Imagine my feelings with a 3day routine!
    Anyway...i'll give it a try tho

  4. #4
    Bound for Muscle's Avatar
    Bound for Muscle is offline Associate Member
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    i too like to do a 3-day per week routine. i've been working out for several years and i find that this is the best way for me to avoid getting burned out. I just make sure the the days i do go i make the most of it.

    i definitely do a compound exercise each day (bench for chest, deads for back, squats for legs), usually do the compound first, then move on to more isolation type movements

    i have friends that train 5 days a week with success, i probably would not do more than 2 days in a row either. your body needs rest to grow, that is part of it and i think doing so many days in a row for a long enough time will just plain wear you out.

    on the other hand, doing 1 week a month where you train 5 days in a row or something would probably be a good shocker for your body. if you feel like you can do more than 3 days a week then go for it, listen to your body and if you're feeling a loss of motivation then take a few days off. good luck.

  5. #5
    mamias20918756 is offline Associate Member
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    Eating chicken with pasta
    i used to do the 5 day routine which gave me good results in the begining but in the end i found out that i wasn't really gaining any good size...So i switched and gave my body some extra rest days, this seems to work better, but althought i've gained about 30 pounds i have put up a lot weight, and i'm not as lean as i was.
    IMO this could be cause of cycle, susta-deca -winny.
    I'm thinking of changing my routine and also adding some more cardio..Will this be good or should i wait to gain size first and then begin a cutter?

  6. #6
    DNoMac's Avatar
    DNoMac is offline Senior Member
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    i've been playing with a 4-5 day split.

    Mon-Chest and Bi's (I used to do tri's instead of bi's, but i wanted to try to work them when they aren't burned out after doing chest)




    I try to split up back and bi's as well as chest and shoulders/tri's. Sometimes if my bi's feel ok, i'll do a few sets on thurs. I'd like to throw in a rest day, but it's convenient for me to workout during the week. I think when exams are over, I'm gonna start spreading it out. After splitting up chest and tri's, i've noticed a lot better workouts.

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