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  1. #1
    Boostz32 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006

    I Need a new Ab Workout.

    Can you post your ab workout I been looking for some new really Hard ab workouts. The main thin I want to achive is to get my 6 pack to really pop out It seems to be somewhat flat. I tried doing high reps or even going a little heavier but no luck.

  2. #2
    BlueAndromeda73's Avatar
    BlueAndromeda73 is offline Senior Member
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    A good exercise I use is weighted physioball crunches supersetted with hanging leg raises. Position you r mid back on the physioball with feet flat on the floor at a right angle kinda like you're laying down, then get a tricep pull down rope on a cable machine set at the lowest setting and hold the ends of the rope by your ears and complete a slow controlled crunch, I do 3 sets 30 reps supersetted with 20 reps hanging leg raises. Hope this helps, I know its not a full workout out maybe it will help you piece one together.

  3. #3
    Boostz32 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006
    physioball crunches sound good I been doing hanging leg rasies for a while now superseted with incline sit ups but I will try the physioball crunches w/ the hanging leg rasies. thanks

  4. #4
    DwinsChamps's Avatar
    DwinsChamps is offline Associate Member
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    On the crease

    I've been doing this workout for a while now, and if you stick to it, the results are pretty good; my abs/obliques went from noticeable 6-pack/slight obliques to well developed obliques and very nice abs. Also, I do a sit-up variation at the end of the workout where I sit on the end of a bench, with my feet in the middle of the bench (with a partner holding them down), and I then do sit-ups while letting my upper body hang off the back of the bench. If you're up to it, hold a 25 Ib. plate against your chest, otherwise try an 8 to 15 Ib med ball. This excercise greatly extends the range of motion that your abs may be used to and you will certainly feel it the next day. I do 2 sets of 15 with a minute's rest between sets, and a 3rd set to failure. I try to take 3 seconds lowering myself, and 1 second coming back up, but on the 3rd set it's hard not to just rush it. MAKE SURE you strive, even on the third set, to take your time, as this will really play into your results.
    Last edited by DwinsChamps; 01-25-2006 at 01:04 PM.

  5. #5
    Boostz32 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006
    I'll try that tonight thanks

  6. #6
    WHOADY4SHOADY's Avatar
    WHOADY4SHOADY is offline Senior Member
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    The Chocolate City
    Ever tried 8 minute abs?

  7. #7
    doby48's Avatar
    doby48 is offline Female Member
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    Well of course the first one is a good clean diet. I work my abs once a week and do two sets of two of the three exercises listed below:

    Hanging Leg Lifts
    Incline Weighted Reverse Crunch
    Decline Sit Ups
    Cable Crunches
    • Sweat plus sacrifice equals success. - Charlie Finley
    • It doesn't get easier, you just get faster. - Greg LeMond
    ExRx (Exercise Prescription)

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