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  1. #1
    YOUKNOWMYSTEEZ1 is offline New Member
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    Question Which workout is better

    Hey everyone,

    Just got back into the gym after a long layoff of about a year or so. When I used to workout I would do 2 bodyparts per Monday:chest & bi's........Tuesday:shoulders & tri's....etc....this would consist of 3 exersises for each body part and my reps would be 10,8,6 moving up in weight each time.( my ultimate goal is to put on mass)

    My question is this, I am now working out with my fiances cousin...who is bigger than me and in much better shape.... so the way he works out is doing 1 body part per work out....but doing maybe 6 or 7 exersises and consisting of 2 sets per exersise.

    Basically I wanted to know opinions one which you guys feel is a better way to go about it, or which one will provide the best rusults.

    Thanks in advance for your help

  2. #2
    YOUKNOWMYSTEEZ1 is offline New Member
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  3. #3
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey bro..give his workout a shot and see how your body reacts...everyone has their own sweet zone, and the only way to learn your own body is to get in the gym and experiment a little bit..

    Personally, I now train 4 days a week and have been getting the best results ever:

    Monday: Chest am/ Shoulders pm
    Tuesday: Back am / Traps pm
    Wednesday: off (cardio during cutting)
    Thursday: Biceps am/ Triceps/forearms pm
    Friday: Quads am/ Hams/Calves pm

    I train back/legs right before off days to maximize growth of these HUGE muscle groups which on my body take the most recovery time.

  4. #4
    JasonNew-b's Avatar
    JasonNew-b is offline Associate Member
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    In my house, with my wife and my kids...and my dog
    Your cousin's workout sounds very similar to my brother in-laws and mine. I've read various posts on AR that suggest training the hell out of one body part a day, and only training that bodypart once a week. You might want to pick up Arnold's Body Building Encyclopedia. Its a great read and has a ton of variations on exercises for each bodypart to keep your body guessing\growing.
    Our workout looks like this:
    Mon: Chest - 6 to 8 exercises X 4 sets each X 8 to 10 reps
    Tues: Back - " "
    Wed: Biceps: - " "
    Thurs: Shoulders - " "
    Fri: Triceps - " "
    Sat: Legs - " "
    Sun: Rest
    We do 3 exercises everyday for abs, and also add forearms on Tricep and Bicep days, 2 exercisesX4 setsX8-10 reps.
    With this routine I put on 2 inches on my chest, 1 inch on both arms, 1/2 inch on calves, dropped 3% body fat and 1 1/2 inchs off of my 2 months; naturally, no sups or roids.
    So IMHO this is a really great routine to follow. However, this is just my experience and there are many VERY experienced BBs here that I know will be very happy to answer any of your questions.
    Good luck with whatever you make your routine.

  5. #5
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    I agree with Major.....just try this one for awhile and see forst hand which one works best for you.

  6. #6
    YOUKNOWMYSTEEZ1 is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys I appreciate the feedback...I'm gonna give it a shot for a month or 2 and see how it goes........ and by the way MAJOR is that you in that pic? .....if so DAMMMMNNNNN SON YOUR LEGS ARE FREAKING HUUUUUUUGE....

  7. #7
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Naw that's not least not yet! The way his progresshas been going I'd bet it won't be long 'till he does look like that!

  8. #8
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    No doubt Major will be there soon, but if you guys get a chance to look at that ad up close (ie, on the back of a mag or something), you'll see that while the guy is no doubt huge, he's made to look FAR FAR bigger through the carefully placed background machines and weights. A plate or two strategically placed in the background gives both his calf and quad a little "extra" sweep. There are a few more things in that ad as well that a friend on mine and I were going back and forth about.

  9. #9
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by BigGreen
    No doubt Major will be there soon, but if you guys get a chance to look at that ad up close (ie, on the back of a mag or something), you'll see that while the guy is no doubt huge, he's made to look FAR FAR bigger through the carefully placed background machines and weights. A plate or two strategically placed in the background gives both his calf and quad a little "extra" sweep. There are a few more things in that ad as well that a friend on mine and I were going back and forth about.
    Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh......upon close examination I do believe I see what you're saying. Good eye BG!!

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