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  1. #1
    Ajcam is offline New Member
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    Apr 2003

    Does this program work?

    If my main concern is to gain mass, is cardio a good or bad thing?

    I've never worked out so I'm more than likely going to kill myself trying to do these things. Anyone have tips on learning how to do them correctly since I don't have anyone to work out with. I really do have alot of anxiety over getting to the gym and getting it done sadly.

    Monday - Chest and Triceps
    Flat Dumbbell Press - 2 sets, 10 reps
    Incline Barbell Bench Press - 2 sets, 10 reps
    Decline Bench Press - 2 sets, 10 reps
    Dumbbell Flyes - 2 sets, 10 reps

    Wednesday - Bicep/Back
    Straight bar curls - 2 sets, 10 reps
    Hammer curls - 2 sets, 10 reps
    Lat pull down - 2 sets, 10 reps

    Friday - Shoulders/Abs
    Military Press - 2 sets, 10 reps
    Rear lateral raises - 2 sets, 10 reps
    Crunches - However many I can do

    Should I switch some around? Or does that arrangement work?

    Next, when you start out how do you choose the proper weight? One you can do 20 reps with or the heaviest you can muster without losing control of it?

    As for diet, I have no idea. I'm trying to come up with alot of crap since I'm looking for mass. What else am I missing?

    Breakfast - Oatmeal, banana, eggs, toast, (egg white?)

    Lunch - Ham/turkey, some tuna, water

    Dinner - Whatever parents have made, usually some sort of meat (chicken, steak, hamburger)

  2. #2
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    Looks good.
    -Suggestions. Fri: Throw legs in there. Go jog up a hill and try to keep the heels of your feet from hitting the ground. In other words, dont jog flat footed. This will help develope your calves quicker.
    -ABS. You can do abs almost everyday. The stomache muscles are resiliant.
    -20 reps are too many. Find a weight you can do 10x for about 4 reps since you are just starting out.
    -SHOULDERS. Throw upright rows in with it to develope your traps.
    -CHEST. You are gonna kill yourself starting ALL those chest exercises. That is like doing 20 sets. Stick with regular bench press for a month.
    -I would suggest doing push ups for a couple weeks before you actually press weights if you are COMPLETELY new. Try doing 100 push ups every other night.
    -DIET. You dont need to start a strict chart on what foods you are taking in. ALTHOUGH. After each work out, you DO NEED to eat. Make a potato and some meat for afterwards. Your body will need the starch and protien. Pasta is good also. Im sure you will get a lot of posts with other suggestions. Thats just my opinion.

  3. #3
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    10xs for 4 reps = 10xs for 4 sets.

  4. #4
    Ajcam is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    10xs for 4 reps = 10xs for 4 sets.
    By this do you mean 10 sets with 4 reps or 4 sets with 10 reps? If 20 reps were too much, isn't this 40 reps?

    Thanks for the info, bermich.

    How soon do you need to eat after a workout? I have a 25 minute drive home from the gym.
    Last edited by Ajcam; 07-23-2003 at 02:38 AM.

  5. #5
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was correcting something from my first post and now remember I could have just edited it.
    -Im saying just start easy because your first couple of workouts will leave you sore for a week.
    -Chest. Find a weight you can push up 10 times. Rest for 2 minutes then do the same thing 3 more times.
    -No more than 2 hours after working out is ideal. Your muscles need nutrition right after workout to help them heal
    -Seriously though, start with the push ups a couple weeks before. Do as many as you can, rest for 2-3 minutes. Do them again, repeat until you cant do anymore. That will leave you sore for a week.
    -I just cant see how you have NEVER worked out before. Not even push ups or pull ups???

  6. #6
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    You need to do legs and I'd put them in in the middle of the week to give your upper body a break. As for doing cardio while bulking it's fine but you'll have to up your calories even more to compensate for the cals you'll burn off during cardio.

  7. #7
    GetPsycho's Avatar
    GetPsycho is offline Associate Member
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    there are no tricep exercises listed on chest/tri day

    on back/bi day the bicep exercises are listed first, you need to do back first. also, there is only 1 back exercise listed. you need more volume for back. general rule of thumb is 12-15 sets for a beginner

    add dumbbell side laterals on shoulder day and maybe some trap work with shrugs

    definitley throw in legs.

    doing legs in the middle of the week is a good idea to give your upper body a break.

    and your diet is very poor. you need to eat every 3 hours if possible. 1g of protein per pound of body weight spread out through out the day. carbs and fat will depend on your current condition and goals.

    what is your height/age/weight

    and cardio on a bulk is a good idea in my opinion. it keeps bf in check and we all know the health benefits associated with aerobic activity
    Last edited by GetPsycho; 07-23-2003 at 07:16 AM.

  8. #8
    Ajcam is offline New Member
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    I'm 21, 6'1" and am probably around 160. I haven't weighed myself in a long time so I could only guess at this point.

  9. #9
    GetPsycho's Avatar
    GetPsycho is offline Associate Member
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    BMR puts you right at 2000 cals. but you are young and skinny so you are probably an ecto. w\ a fast metabolism.

    you desperately need to eat more if you want to add some size. at first i would shoot for 2500-2700 calories for a few weeks to get your body used to the new diet. then i would start increasing by 10% every 2-3 weeks. where you stop is up to you, eventually you will start to gain mass and some fat. when you have reached your desired weight gain stop raising calories or slowly reduce them to cut down.

  10. #10
    GetPsycho's Avatar
    GetPsycho is offline Associate Member
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    i am 6'5 and 215 @ 8% bf. i am maintaining right now @ 3000 calories. here is a snippet of one day in my diet.

    this particular day my fat intake fell a bit short. i shoot for about 80-90g of EFA's per day.

    3000 calories

    6:30am Calories Protein (g) Carbs (g) Fat (g)
    1 Oatmeal Pancake 268 20 26 5
    2 Whole Eggs 160 14 2 10
    4 Egg Whites 67 14 1 0
    1 Grapefruit (med) 82 2 21 0
    TOTAL: 577 50 50 15

    2 9-Grain Bread 240 10 46 4
    6oz tuna mix 250 40 2 6
    1 Green Apple (med) 81 0 21 0
    TOTAL: 571 50 69 10

    6oz Chicken Breast 170 41 0 1
    Large Salad
    1 cup Broccoli 30 1 4 0
    2/3 cup Green Beans 25 1 4 0
    1/2 cup Baby Lima Beans 110 6 22 0
    TOTAL: 335 49 30 1

    6oz chicken breast 187 40 0 2
    1/2 cup brown rice 170 5 35 2
    TOTAL: 357 45 35 4

    gym 500 - 615'ish

    2scoops Whey 227 44 6 3
    30g (2tbsp) dextrose (30g of carbs) 140 0 30 0
    70g (5tbsp) maltodextrin (30g of carbs) 118 0 30 0
    TOTAL: 485 44 66 3

    1 cup Broccoli 30 1 4 0
    2/3 cup Green Beans 25 1 4 0
    1/2 cup Baby Lima Beans 110 6 22 0
    6 oz salmon 272 41 0 14
    TOTAL: 437 49 30 14

    1scoops Whey 113 22 3 2
    1/2 cup cottage cheese 80 12 5 3
    1 tbsp flax oil 130 0 0 15
    TOTAL: 323 34 8 20

    DAILY TOTAL: 3085 321 288 67

    42% 37% 20%

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