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  1. #1
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Sep 2001

    circuit training

    anyone use circuit training after they haven't lifted for an extended period of time to get the muscles back in shape a little ??

    i haven't really lifted every day since maybe april, just a few times a week up until about a month & half ago when i just completely stopped and concentrated on other things.

    was thinking of doing some circuit training EOD for a few weeks before i start up the routine i was doing back then.

  2. #2
    DBarcelo's Avatar
    DBarcelo is offline Senior Member
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    I tried doing that some years ago when I was laid off of the weights for a while. For me, it was just too much. I was sore for like a week, with a lot of lactic acid buildup to get rid of. My lungs weren't used to the exersion either. After that one day, I wasn't looking forward to going back.

    When I got back into it this time around, I made sure I did plenty of stretching, and I just went through what I knew my regular rutine would be, I just did it with very light weight.

    For example, I knew I was going to be concentrating on dumbell curls, flat bench, and lat pulls (to name a few). So I did those movements for a couple weeks, using like 30 lb dumbells, 80 lbs on the bench and like 50 lbs on the lats. Doing it that way, allowed me to get used to the feel of the weights again. I was able to make sure I was using proper form. I gave my tendons, cartilage and connective tissue time to adapt and get used to being used again before just maxing out.

    When just getting back into it seems to be the time that most people tend to get hurt (me included), and I was able to avoid that this time around (except for a new movement I had never done before, and even though I was doing it very light, I still pulled something. But it only took two weeks to heal, aposed to the two months it probably would have taken if I was lifting heavier).

    But a month and a half isn't really an extended layoff either. So it may not even apply. I think I had been off for like a year or two.

  3. #3
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    Key, I just started back at the gym week before last and I pretty much started back on my routine but cut the weight to a third of the normal poundage, reduced the number of sets and bumped the reps. I’ve gotten sore on just about every body part I’ve worked (I worked my legs WAY too much for my first go round and could barley walk) but I kind of like the feeling so big deal. Docs orders to keep it light for now besides I know I couldn’t push the weight I was doing before.

    A bud here (used to be a power lifter) that works out in my gym took some time off and just came back, he’s been doing the circuit training. He likes it because he can hit two body parts per session and keep his workouts short. He doesn’t rest much between machines and limits himself to three sets per. He’s in and then he’s out. He had gotten burned out and took some time off and wants to build back up slowly.

    I say give it a shot but keep it simple. The more you get used to it then you can start to work your way back into your routine. Just a thought bro.

    Bump for the man here.

  4. #4
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Thanks for the input bros. Was thinkin of just going EOD with cardio / abs on off days for a few weeks. Maybe spendin an hour or so doing legs / upper body - basic exercises :

    - squats
    - extensions
    - curls

    - incline press
    - lat pull down
    - dips
    - barbell curls
    - flys
    - cable rows

  5. #5
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    That looks pretty good bro. You might want to toss in something for the calves. You could get by without it because they are engauged while doing leg curls but if you make a point to point your toes out while doing curls you won't be hitting them much at all. I really hate doing calves but I'm making a point to hit them so I'm not so damn sore when I really start to get back into it.

    I'm sure you'll be adding an extra movement here and there as you get back in the swing of it. Take your time and keep it fun.

  6. #6
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    What calves ?? Haha. I forgot to list them, but they are in there.

    Was thinking of doing just 2 sets of 20 reps or so moderate weight for right now.

  7. #7
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Alright, I think I am going to go in this fashion, EOD. Legs first, run through everything at once before I rest, then repeat. Same for upper body.

    - squats
    - extensions
    - curls
    - calves

    - incline press
    - lat pull down
    - flys
    - cable rows
    - dips
    - barbell curls

    Of course I'm not going to be running from station to station like you see the older ladies doing. I'll take my time, walk, catch my breath, get some fine hunnies digits or perhaps more in the sauna, then on to the next station.

  8. #8
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    That sounds pretty's about what I'm doing now myself. What calves is about right for me..............I have sticks were their suppose to sad. Ha

  9. #9
    bigol'legs's Avatar
    bigol'legs is offline Quadzilla
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    Circuit training is good to cut fat... you get a good cardio workout from it... try and concetrate on just hitting the weights and leave the cardio for the treadmill.

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