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  1. #1
    nj123's Avatar
    nj123 is offline Member
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    think im overtraining?

    im not sure if im overtraining or not but i know i dont get enough sleep so i usually try to blame the ****ty and lazy feeling i have on that.
    Anyways heres my routine
    flat bench 10-8-6-4-2
    dumbell incline-dumbell incline-10-8-6-6-4
    incline cable fly's-10-10-8
    decline hammerstrength-10-8-6-4
    then i do as many pushups as i can
    pullups as long as it take me to get 50
    rows on an incline bench-10-10-8-6
    barbell rows-10-8-8-6
    lat pulldowns-10-10-8-8
    dead lifts-10-8-6-6
    military press-10-8-6-4
    dumbell press-10-10-8
    upright rows-10-8-6-6
    front and side laterals-10-8-6
    skull crushers-10-10-8-6-4
    preacher curl-10-8-6-4
    dumbell tricep extension-10-8-6-6
    barbell curl-10-8-6-4
    cable press downs-12-10-10-8
    cable curls-10-8-8
    Leg press-15-12-10-10
    legs curls-10-10-10
    seated calf raises-3 sets reps over 30
    standing calf raises-3 sets reps over 30

    OK so am i overtraining? im 18 6'1 and 190 lbs BF im guessing 12/13?%. I have gained like 20 lbs in the last 6 months and now it doesnt seem like im getting stronger anymore. i get only about 5-6 hours of sleep a night and ive got my diet in order.

  2. #2
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You aren't getting enough sleep - especially for your age group. You have to be able to recover before you can grow.

    If you are toward the end of a successful training cycle it may be time to take a breather. Allow your body to fully rest and regroup my staying out of the gym for a week. During that time look up new training theories/splits. Sometimes overtraining can be avoided by a total change in routine to renew your motivation and keep you from simply getting board. Look into increasing your intensity a bit too...

  3. #3
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Not alot that Warrior doesn't know, go we him.

  4. #4
    nj123's Avatar
    nj123 is offline Member
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    thanks for the info i am definately gonna try to get some more sleep. would it be ok to just get that 5-6 hours and then take a nap during the day?do yall think it would be better to take 3 days off instead of 2? I think my main problem is that i just cant seem to process that sometimes less is better.

  5. #5
    Danielle's Avatar
    Danielle is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    You aren't getting enough sleep - ...

    alot of people really underestimiated how much sleep you need........personally, i never saw any real gains in strength or progress in my running until i started getting more really does help
    Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, THAT IS STRENGTH

  6. #6
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by nj123
    thanks for the info i am definately gonna try to get some more sleep. would it be ok to just get that 5-6 hours and then take a nap during the day?do yall think it would be better to take 3 days off instead of 2? I think my main problem is that i just cant seem to process that sometimes less is better.
    Yeah - splitting it up is better than not getting enough... grab a power nap if you missed some zzz's the night before. And IMO - staying asleep over 8-9 hours is too long... your body needs to be awaken and kept fed eventually. You can't recover when you don't have enough macronutrients left to use.

    But sleeping 8 hours at night and then an hour during the day is an ideal plan of attack. BTW - during sleep is one of those times when your body spikes it's endogenous GH levels... to get the benefit of a mid day GH spike your power nap shouldn't be less than 30-45 minutes in a dark room.

  7. #7
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danielle
    alot of people really underestimiated how much sleep you need........personally, i never saw any real gains in strength or progress in my running until i started getting more really does help
    I started working midnights recently and on a day off a week or so ago I fell asleep Tuesday morning at 10AM and didn't wake up until Wednesday at 7AM aside for a couple hours when I thought I was up for good. I ended up with about 19 hours of sleep total! Sh!t... I never did that as a teenager! But I felt awesome that whole week (especially in the gym) - I was deffinitly sleep deprived from transitioning from a morning shift to midnights...

    ... it sucks trying to sleep during the day and then stay up all night... it goes against the grain of millions of years of evolution... but someone has to do it... just need really thick curtains in the bedroom

  8. #8
    Powrlftr is offline Associate Member
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    If you are going all out with max weights every time you hit the gym I suggest that you throw in a light week every fourth week to prevent overtraining.

    After you take that week off from the gym go light the first week back too.

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