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Thread: What cleanser wouldwork the best

  1. #1

    What cleanser wouldwork the best

    Looking into doing my first cycle but I will be joining the Military in april and I would be doing a 10 week cycle. I'm looking for the one that would work the best so when I go to M.E.P.S. it wont show up. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    You will be perfectly safe by using any testosterone (enanthate, cypionate, propionate, etc), winstrol, anavar, d-bol, anadrol, masteron, haloteston, etc...

    stay away from Nandrolone (Deca, Laurabolan) , Long Ester Tren, and Boldenone (EQ)

    Steroid Cleanse will clean out everything else including street drugs. It is NOT a mask and it WILL cleanse you completley until you use again.


  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by system admin View Post
    You will be perfectly safe by using any testosterone (enanthate, cypionate, propionate, etc), winstrol, anavar, d-bol, anadrol, masteron, haloteston, etc...

    stay away from Nandrolone (Deca, Laurabolan) , Long Ester Tren, and Boldenone (EQ)

    Steroid Cleanse will clean out everything else including street drugs. It is NOT a mask and it WILL cleanse you completley until you use again.

    Why do you say don't worry about the Test stuff? but stay away from the Nandrolone? I did my 1st shot of any juice in 3 years on Tuesday night and with my luck was pissed tested for juice 2 days later on a Thursday morning.
    Do you think it will come up positive? Plz Help.
    Also what is the name or that Roid cleanser.

  4. #4
    military drug tests dont test for gear...its way to expensive for them for them to even just test 1 me i know =]

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