Hey guys...I will be taking a drug test next week for my new job. Will this test for any type of gear, etc?
Thanks for any advice, etc.
Hey guys...I will be taking a drug test next week for my new job. Will this test for any type of gear, etc?
Thanks for any advice, etc.
More than likely the test will be for recreation drugs such as, cocaine, pot, met amphetamines, etc. If you are really worried about it, find out who's going to do the testing and call them yourself and say you are the CEO of a small company and would like to know what they screen for in their normal testing. Then ask them if they even do testing for gear for businesses. You probably don’t have to worry.
I have had many drug tests for jobs while on a cycle and i have passed everyone. It is way to expensive for them to test for that so you are cool bro.
Your never 100% safe. They usually do NOT test for them in a normal job, but who are we to say that they wont and we guarantee it? If you have a job that is worth keeping... dont chance it.
Thanks guys. I appreciate the input.
Take it easy.
You should have no problems...like the other bro's said most jobs dont test for gear..
they wont test for gear... they test for drugs that cause you to steal things to support addiction
no jobs other than some goverment or military jobs test for gear your cool ,i have heard of some cops being tested
I don't think they will test for gear.
The money involved is too much and why would they worry about gear anyway? Seems like they woulkd just want the drugs that interfere with your work.
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