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Thread: hey lookin for some info

  1. #1

    hey lookin for some info

    im in the army and steroid testing has never been a real concern until some idiots in iraq got crazy with it, now rumors are pretty strong they are gonna start testing over seas, im heading over in 4 months and the past 6 months ive taken deca 300, test e 250, bold 200 in pretty strong cycles. im not knoledgeable at all in the way to test for it the cost or if there is a way to beat a roid test. i heard that deca will stay for like 18 months hot, is there any truth to that and if i get called out for a random test is there a way i can beat it and is the prefered method blood or urine, thnx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    steroid tests are very expensive unless they are just testing for metabolites in your urine it is still not cheap and very time consuming they might be trying to scare everyone and deca is detecable for UP TO 18 months

    but bump for other opinions/answers

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    These answers are never certain ones. Im not trying to sell a product here, but you never know. It only takes one time to get fuked. They usually dont test for steroids in the service though unless they have suspicion.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    It's true that Deca is detectable for up to 18 months, but as already mentioned testing for gear is expensive and they’re probably just trying to scare people, so that they won't use gear to begin with. On a different note, I’d like to thank you for helping protect America and know that you’ve got my support, along with a lot of other people I know. Be safe over there and God bless.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    i just got back from iraq, i wanted to do a cycle there but some of the Army company commanders were ordering steriod testing for troops...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Steroid tests are not expensive... they just cost more than normal tests.

    The govt doesnt give a shit about spending 200-300 on a test. Hell, they spend millions on bullshit everyday.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I just got back from Iraq last month and they were busting a few guys over there. But....the thing was is that they got busted for getting the locals to procure some gear for them. They actually didn't get tested 'til after the fact. So, what's my point? I don't know, but from all I've read on the forums, unless they suspect you of using, then you're good. I personally don't want to take the chance...even though I think more people do it than I want to think about...damn my goals of joining the ATF!!!

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