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Thread: random drug tests

  1. #1

    random drug tests

    im on my first cycle of test 250 and i was wondering how long will that stay in my system becuase im in the military who know when their gona give a random drug test ive heard they dont test for steriods but then agian ive heard of people poping on the test?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Test will stay in your system for about 3-4 months. WILL REMOVE Testosterone from your system if you are worried and it only takes 5 days.


  3. #3
    is the steriod cleanse legit. will it actualy make it to my door and then i will actualy work

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by nitro12345
    is the steriod cleanse legit. will it actualy make it to my door and then i will actualy work
    If they didnt ship it, they would have legal problems and we have lab reports proving it works.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    It will make it to your door in 2-3 business days and if used correctly, YES it will work.

    We supply many many people with this product and no one has EVER called and given us bad input. Just be sure to know that it will NOT remove Deca, EQ, or Tren


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by nitro12345
    im on my first cycle of test 250 and i was wondering how long will that stay in my system becuase im in the military who know when their gona give a random drug test ive heard they dont test for steriods but then agian ive heard of people poping on the test?
    I have been in the military for 6 years and everytime they do random drug test I have been on a cycle. I guess they dont test for juice because I am still in. Plus I cost a lot of money to test for that and you know how cheap our military is.

  7. #7
    the miltary will test for steroids only if you are under investigation for it.

  8. #8
    pot, e, meth, heroin, ecstsy, cocaine. are thw primary test.

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