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Thread: 2 questions about cleanse (hair & testosterone)

  1. #1

    2 questions about cleanse (hair & testosterone)

    1) Is there any point to take the cleanse if you are only taking testosterone? Testosterone is a naturally occuring substance in your body so there are no metabolites to test for. And in regards to the t/e ratio, wouldn't that just naturally come down in 5 days since you are no longer adding testosterone to your body? I guess my question is how does this product bring down the t/e ratio? I don't know much about this and am just using logic here, i could be wrong in my reasoning so this is more a question than a statement. I would think that this cleanse would be pointless if you are not taking a drug that has metabolites to test for, because your t/e ratio is going to come down on its own, and the cleanse has nothing to do with that. Am I right or wrong on that?

    2) Will this clean hair for a hair test or only blood and urine?

  2. #2
    well, any info on this? got a drug test coming up soon and there is a chance they may include a steriod panel. but i'm only using test at the moment, no drugs with metabolites, so i wondering if there is any point to take the cleanse, due to the reasons i stated above?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    im not 100% but i think they test for the esters.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    im not 100% but i think they test for the esters.
    no, the only way they can test for testosterone is the t/e ratio. esters are not an issue. and the t/e ratio is what my question was in regards too., and what i'm wondering about. if you look at the steroid cleanse labs tests that are posted, you will see the only test in regards to testosterone is the t/e ratio.
    Last edited by Georgie; 04-14-2006 at 11:53 PM.

  5. #5
    Any info on whether this is a useful product for me right now for my stated situation, System Admin? Or should I wait to use it when I am using different drugs?

  6. #6
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    good question goergie, i would think if you were using prop or suspension and had at least one weak and your doses were average toligth you wouldnt nned the cleanse

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Suspension, I think you will be ok. Prop on the other hand, I would not RISK that drug

    Sorry for the late responce


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    Suspension, I think you will be ok. Prop on the other hand, I would not RISK that drug

    Sorry for the late responce

    So, what you are saying is that the cleanse actually lowers the t/e ratio, its not the length of time you are waiting?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Yes... TE Ratio's get lowered to NORMAL levels. Check out the tests on

    Dont have an answer as to why it does, but it does.


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    Yes... TE Ratio's get lowered to NORMAL levels. Check out the tests on

    Dont have an answer as to why it does, but it does.

    huh, thats very interesting. it would be cool if the "why" can be answered one day.

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