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Thread: Doc testing Testosterone levels

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    in the gym

    Doc testing Testosterone levels

    My doctor is running blood test to check testosterone level. I am about three weeks off a test e and deca cycle. 250mg test e 300mg deca per wk.
    My question is will the doctor be able to see that I have used steroids or will this lab work just show a general hormone level? This is not a "drug" test. This is just a hormone level lab.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    do you do correct pct? that will make a big difference.

    but in all honesty who cares? hes not your mother! if he finds out tell him. big whoop.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    in the gym


    fairly new to the gear game....did not do pct. One of those things where I followed a buddies instructions that is supposed to be an "expert". Self proclaimed I might add. Did not do proper research until after the fact. My mistake. I know now, however I was at the doctor for another reason and told him I wanted him to check my test levels due to some problems with the sex drive and other stuff. After making this post got my results and of course, test levels were low. Good part of it is...he's prescribing test to correct the problem!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by j_jack34
    My doctor is running blood test to check testosterone level. I am about three weeks off a test e and deca cycle. 250mg test e 300mg deca per wk.
    My question is will the doctor be able to see that I have used steroids or will this lab work just show a general hormone level? This is not a "drug" test. This is just a hormone level lab.
    if your levels were/are still really high...a smart doc would assume something is only took me 17 days off to drop down to normal levels so you could/should be ok

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