Does anyone know if the Military's random drug testing ever test's for Winstrol V, and/or Clenbuterol?
Does anyone know if the Military's random drug testing ever test's for Winstrol V, and/or Clenbuterol?
which military
I am in the US Army.
pretty sure they don't test for it unless its suspicion
no branch test for steriods unless they catch you with them..
i know lots and lots of people all in the army that take them..
its against UCMJ to take them.. but not tested for
Thanks guys, I start
good luckOriginally Posted by tngnome
good luck bro.... enjoy the training....
Yeah, unless you get caught with them you won't be tested. I was accused by a lot of people who were haters and everyone in my command seemed to assume I was juiced, but nobody really seemed to care and I never got tested.
haha ya honestly i think the biggest steriod users besides law enforcement are the army... alot of your rangers are on them.. i mean honestly go to brag or bennining or even stewart and walk into their gyms.. look around and you will realize they don't test
does anybody know if they test in Canada at all?
what abnout the air force do they not test as well
I tend to think If anyone should be on the juice, its our forces to keep the peace...
BAD advise. If anyone on your base or in your gym suspects you of juicing, all it takes is a sit down with your Commanding Officer and he'll send your ass straight to medical to get blood taken to check your hormone levels. If your tests come back elevated be ready for a little trip to NCIS for an interview. Happened to me except I wasn't suspected for juicing that I was aware of. I got an other than honorable discharge in '06 just for my blood work.
So your saying that they randomly chose you for a steroid test? Was it obvious that you were juicing (gained a lot of mass in short period, or were just plain huge)? Also, what compounds were you using at the time? Thats really unfortunate, I could understand rec drugs, but other than honarable for steroids is bullshit. Best of luck bro, thanks for sharing.Originally Posted by testisbest
test is Right They Will Test You If They Have Been Told That There Is A Good Possilblity That You Are Taking Them. I Spent 5 Years In The Marine Corp And I Juiced While I Was In And I Seen 2 People Booted Out For Using Them. I Also Seen 1 Other Marine Tested Because They Thought That He Was Using Them. Now You Must Take Into Consideration These Marine Were Getting Carried Away With It And Had Major Size And Weight Differences. Just Be Moderate With It And Do Not Use Anything Like Deca Or Something That Is In Your System For A While.
You're right. When I was in I saw the same thing.The guy was on "light duty" and then he got huge. Not fat, huge.It was like he wanted to get caught.
shit when i was in iraq i took a couple drol for that rage, they didnt give a f-ckOriginally Posted by THE JU-ICE
This makes me feel a little better cause I have my physical for entry into US Air Force this week and I was getting worried.. On prop, tren, gh, and IGF right now lol.. I'm not particulary huge though.. Only about 5'10 185lbs.. Just look like I have really good genetics... No one ever asks me about it or if I do at the gym ya know.
Speaking of which do I need to knock off the GH and IGF for a while before the blood test or do they test HGH and free testoscerone levels??
im taking a wiz quiz tommorow
no worries here
i thought i read though that clen can com up as uppers
anyone know if the military tests as a pre screening for special forces? like the seals?
not for aas
just party drugs
no branch of the military tests for aas bc ts too expensive to test everyone, the only way you will be testes for aas is if you are caught with them or they think you are on them
good ive been wondering
just make sure you dont get caught with it
Half the Frogs I know are on. Rightly so. I think if anyone need performance enhancements its the dudes protecting our asses.Originally Posted by jgk138
just took clomid and tamox from Lion and had my military piss test
well see
Last edited by BROKEN; 07-24-2007 at 07:19 PM.
let us know how it pans out. thats my big reason for debating the juice
this is a non-military testing question, but i hope you guys will answer. what would be the best cycle to take and when should i take it before basic or (if there is time) inbetween basic and bud/s?
ehh id say it would best to either go for special forces or the air force PJ's if you a really good swimmer
because the seals are getting shit for work in the area of intrest right now
and the airforces PJ's and CC's are the best taken care of dudes in the whole socom community
well, its a little late for that i have my mind made up and theres nothing that can change my mind. i have to have that mentality of im going to make it.
dont do a cycle befoe basic or buds, it will be a waste of time and money just bc you are going to lose so much weight, you will only be doing endurance and cardio training and you will not be eating correctly wait till after budsOriginally Posted by jgk138
what if its a cutting type of cycle where all i do is cardio and some light lifting to keep muscle mass but my main goal would be to get a lower bf %? i know seals arent complete "super human" people with 2% bf but still i think if i can maintain a single digit bf and get my cardio up i would be more competitve.Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
If you can afford it, anavar would be the best choice. Its oral so no injecting and you can carry the pills in your rut sack. I have never used it, but I hear its great for strength which you will need in a specwar enviroment. I did hear that it gives diarreah though.
i wouldnt do it, in basic you can only eat 3 meals a day and dinners at like 5, you might have watch or somthing like that, you'll go long periods without eating and your not gonna get much sleep
were talking about the army here!! these dudes are pampered the regular army is GAY
dont know im in the coast guard
I thought this dude was going to buds? What about boot camp first.
ok first of all keeping juice in your rut sack is one of the worst ideas ive ever heard, thats just stupid, second dont call the army or any other branch of the military gay
Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
It wasnt juice dude, it was tablets. Very doable.
Last edited by THE JU-ICE; 07-31-2007 at 08:28 AM.
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