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Thread: Help!

  1. #1


    Im a senior in HS thats lookin at a div-2 scholership. Im 19 years old and my HS has random drug testing. Thy do not search any subjects befor they get tested and my ? is that if i carry around a condom full of urine and pour it in the cup will the urine be compreimised keep in mind if its tested comprimised its the same as testing positive also the urines is bout 3 nd a halve weeks old?
    And does anyone know when the urine will go bad and will be comprimised?
    Last edited by stud101; 01-24-2007 at 05:43 PM.

  2. #2
    I honestly do not know how to answer that. I would suggest just the steriod cleanse that they sell on this site. GoodLuck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    dude. search the web. I came across (sorry I can't remember exact site etc.) a kit they sell that comes with urine that will pass that is straps to your a**omen like a fanny pack, AND a fake penis that dispenses it that is strapped on. comes in many color shades too!

  4. #4

    Thumbs up Quick Fix

    Try Quick Fix do a search on the net. Also if it's human urine and it's 3 weeks old and it is at room temp throw it out it's bad. You can keep human urine frozen but I wouldn't want to mess with someone else's pee. Quick fix is synthetic and will test within normal range for creatinine and specific gravity. Plus it will last at room temp for a while. Make sure the temp is between 94 and 100 degrees or they will know that it's not your urine. Good Luck.

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