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Thread: damn the ncaa....need some info

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    damn the ncaa....need some info

    about 4 weeks ago i ended a very light cycle of dbol at 20 mgs ED. I just got back to school and my trainer is already talking about the ncaa coming to randomly test us...detection time is up to 6 weeks, so i could just wait it out but not sure, anyone got any adivce????? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    grave yard
    is it urine or blood they take?..get a urinator

  3. #3
    ^^^bad advice! the ncaa rep stands next to you and stares at your cock while you piss...

  4. #4
    not when i got tested. they put something in the toliet and said piss. they left the room and that was that

  5. #5
    ^^^ Well, you my friend were not tested by the NCAA or you were tested 8+ years ago before they followed their new strict protocal. Believe me they make you take your pants down turn around and stare at your cock while you piss. What you described is how they do it in movies like the program...stop spreading bad information.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    burbz of philly
    yup he is right

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