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Thread: Detection Times

  1. #1

    Detection Times

    I've been searching forums, threads, etc for the past few months and haven't found any sources for detection times of prohormones, especially phera plex. The closest thing I can relate them to is andro which is about 2 months. I'm thinking about taking another phera plex cycle but don't want to risk getting caught if the detection time is any where over 3 months. Does anyone know how long phera plex or proormones stays in your system for?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Are you taking a steroid test soon??

  3. #3
    Not for maybe 6 months or so,(NCAA) I was wondering if i could get another cycle in before and be ok.

  4. #4
    up to 8 months actually!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    ive read phera plex and other htings such as superdrol can only be detected for around 6 weeks

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