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Thread: drug test

  1. #1

    Question drug test

    hey , I was wondering I'm on probation and i'm wondering if steroids would show up in a pee test or a swab of the mouth test?
    I believe the answer is NO but I need to ask anyway..

  2. #2
    no, unless specifically tested for such substances. those tests are much more expensive as well.

  3. #3
    thats what I thought ..
    Thank You..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Columbia, MO
    Quote Originally Posted by biotec4
    hey , I was wondering I'm on probation and i'm wondering if steroids would show up in a pee test or a swab of the mouth test?
    I believe the answer is NO but I need to ask anyway..
    The drug tests that they are giving you are 5 panel drug tests that test for methanyphetamines, herion, marijuana, coke and ectasy

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by david2004
    The drug tests that they are giving you are 5 panel drug tests that test for methanyphetamines, herion, marijuana, coke and ectasy
    to correct you the oral swab test is an 8 panel...

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