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Thread: Detection Times

  1. #1

    Detection Times

    My question is where does Phera Plex fall in to these detection times. I have a NCAA drug test coming soon and need to plan if i have enough time.

    Steroid Detection Times and Half Lives

    Anavar .................................................. 3 weeks
    Anadrol........................................... ...... 2 months
    Andriol........................................... ...... 1 week
    Boldenone Undecyclenate................................. 4-5 months
    Clenbuterol....................................... ....... ...... 4-5 Days
    Dianabol - methandrostenolone - .................................................. ..5 weeks
    Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - .................................................. ..18 months
    Ephedrin ................................................4-5 Days
    Halotestin - fluoxymesterone - .............................................. ...... 2 months
    Methamphetamin ..........................................6-10 Days
    Nandrolon Phenylprop ....................................12 months
    Nilevar........................................... ...... 5-6 weeks
    Parabolan......................................... ...... 4-5 weeks
    Proviron.......................................... ...... 5 weeks
    Primobolan - methenolone - ***ot............................................. 4-5 weeks
    Sustanon ................................................3 months
    Spiropent......................................... ...... 4-5 days
    Test testosterone cypionate ................................................3 months
    Test enat ...............................................3 months
    Test testosterone propionate........................................ ...... . 2-3 weeks
    Trenbolon Acet ...........................................4-5 weeks
    *Test supspenison No metabolites. t/e should
    be back to normal in days
    Equipoise......................................... 4-5months
    Winstrol - stanozolol oral.............................................. 3 weeks .
    Winstrol - stanozolol inj............................................... 2 months

    Drug Half Lifes

    anavar ................9 hours
    anadrol ...............7-15 hours
    arimidex.............. 3 days
    Clenbuterol ..................1.5 days
    clomid ................5 days
    Dianabol - methandrostenolone - ..................4.5 hours
    Halotestin - fluoxymesterone - .................. 9-10 hours
    Nolvaldex - tamoxifen citrate - ..................7 days
    N-desmethyltamoxifen is 14 days
    Primobolan - methenolone - ................. 5-7 days
    stanazol ..............9 hours (oral)
    testosterone suspension ..................2-3 hours

    Ester Half-Life

    acetate ...............3 days
    butyrate ..............6 days
    caproate ..............9 days
    cypionate .............6 days
    decanoate .............15 days
    enathate ..............5.25 days
    formate ...............1.5 days
    Hexanoate .............10.5 days
    heptonoate............ 10.5 days
    isocaproate ............9 days
    Nonanoate .............13.5 days
    octanoate............. 12 days
    propionate ............4.5 days
    phenylprop ............4.5 days
    Undecanoate ...........8.25 days
    Valerate ..............7.5 days

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Margaritaville (I wish)

  3. #3
    Awesome. bump.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Probably going to have very similar detection rates between Var and D-bol. I'm thinkin' give it about 3 weeks clearing time; after that you should be good to go.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    that is an over the counter supp? available still after the prohormone ban? what is in it? if u could please post the nutrition facts. i really dont think u have anything to worry about...but better safe than sorry.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Just what I was looking for


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    The topic I just looked for!

    Anyone knows about the accuracy on the detection time for testosterone and stanozolol?

    And about finasteride and clomifen, anyone knows the detection time? I know the last two aren't steroids, but they're banned for use in some sports.

    Thanks a lot.
    Last edited by taquipariu; 09-20-2008 at 10:54 PM.

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