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Thread: Legit Flush??

  1. #1

    Legit Flush??

    I found this site called herbally pure. They sell herbal detoxiication products. It says you can take the product a half hour before a test and stay clean for 8 hours. I am currently a D1 baseball player. I know they have implemented a new summer testing policy. I see people saying they havent heard of anyone getting tested over the summer yet. My school got hit last summer. They picked 4 out of the 29 players on the roster. They would called bout 6pm the night before and say show up to so and so and there will be a ncaa member waiting @ 9am to take a drug test. I also talked to some people and they have said its 50/50 that you will get tested for anabolics. They pick random that you will either get tested for street drugs or roids. If anyone has feedback on that that would be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    no that herbal shit will not work. their are really only two routes that i know of in order to pass a ncaa test. the first is quite painful and dangerous. as long as you get urine from a male of the same age who is clean of all aas and street drugs you can use a syringe and plastic tubing to inject anothers urine into your urethra. i have no experience whatsoever, but a friend of mine claims that he used this method to pass his test for the yale bowl. i have heard of using probenacid and asprin within 4 hours of ur test to retain all aas, and pass a test. there is an interesting forum on it. use the search option.

  3. #3
    is that safe? that sounds incrediable unstable and definetly unsanitary..

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