Hi guys!I'm a newbie in the forum and in steroids and i would like some help immedietly!!
I was on anavar for 3 weeks at 10mg/day.i know its a bit low dosage but i didnt knew enouph and i heard the wrong people.Anyway,I've done my blood work the last day of the cycle and showed up some bad values wich are the following:
---results:My values (normal values)---
T3:0.646 (0.85-2,02ng/ml)
T4:4.51 (5,13-14,06mg/dl)
LH: 0.951 (1,7-8,6mui/ml)
FSH:0.465 (1,09-12,4mui/ml)
and testosterone:0.208 (2,8-8ng/ml)
Also i had some values that i dont know what they mean.These are:
NTX:24.5(5,4-24,2 nMBCE)
also the usuall blood test shown:
Urine:56 mg%(15-40)
SGOT:41 IU/l (5-40)
SGPT:75 IU/L (3-49)
Cinasae Creatinine(CPK): 463U/L (38-174)
γGT: 11IU/L (12-64)
A/G: 2.5 (1-2)
and the fraction of HDL/LDL(or smthg) wich indicates the possibility of harden arteries is: 8,7(normal<3 middle<3-5 High>5)
My questions are simple(probably!!)
1)Why my HPTA was suppressed so much with so little dose(especially testo levels)?
2)do i have to run PCT???i've been off for 2.5 weeks...
3)when my values will come to normal again(especially my hormones)?should i run again a blood test now?should i use some tribulus or smthng??
I feel very tired,many of my musles are half-way to injury(tenonditis etc) and my libido is a little bit lowbut I have normal sexual contacts(2-3 per day when...).
Oh!also im 24 my height is 1.80 and im 80 kg...