I am currently in the 5th week of a 10 week cycle:
Sust 250- 500mg wk
Winny- 50mg EOD (I know it should be every day)
Novaldex 20mg ED
Here is the issue:
I will be separating from Military Service soon...and due for a complete physical in late October. The physical will contain: complete bloodwork (7 vials of blood for all kinds of shit) ; an EKG, and other stuff I cannot recall. I know it will be somewhat extensive.
- Is there anything I can do...or am I completely f*cked?
- Today I bought some : Vitamins E and C, Milk Thistle, Cod Liver Oil, St Johns Wort, and Centrum
I also have some HCG and Aromasin in my arsenal ...and know I need to buy some herbals to assist with the cholestrol
- Will I have to cut my cycle short?
********I have relentlessly researched this issue online...and on this forum to no satisfaction. Actually, there are a few others still waiting for an answer on the ***Confidential Bloodwork Forum***
Is there anyone out there with some concrete knowledge?**********