Hi, I could use some insight here fellas. Here is some history. One previous testosterone cycle when I was 19 I am now 27. I got some blood work done as advised for a precycle. My Testosterone levels came back @ 330. The doc said this is not good and that I am in bad shape. I feel really fatiqued lack of sex drive etc. Well, he opted to give me a testosterone injection of 200 mgs in the clinic.
I guess what I am asking is will this help bring me up to the normal range? And how long will the effect last? Do you think he will write me a script or give another injection? Or just test me again and leave me as is if my levels come back? Isnt the injection just temporary? I mean something must be wrong if they are low...right? The first thing he asked me was if I have ever used anabolic steriods before in my past. I said yes. He said I have testiscular failure does anyone know anything about that? He also said I might have shut down my natural production of testosterone. Would I need testosterone thearapy for life....worse case scenerio? Thanks for all the comments