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Thread: the wizzinater

  1. #1

    the wizzinater

    does this thing actually wokr? guys from ncaa, is it even possible to use one of these kits or do them proctor people watch you to closely? my friend said they make you lift ur shit and pull down boxers...any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Use caution and do it clean. Your future depends on it.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by baseball_guy View Post
    does this thing actually wokr? guys from ncaa, is it even possible to use one of these kits or do them proctor people watch you to closely? my friend said they make you lift ur shit and pull down boxers...any thoughts?
    I know ex cons who have used this for probation drops and pulled it off many times. If they look at your stuff that close though,,,I'm not sure.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by baseball_guy View Post
    does this thing actually wokr? guys from ncaa, is it even possible to use one of these kits or do them proctor people watch you to closely? my friend said they make you lift ur shit and pull down boxers...any thoughts?

    whizzinator does not work for any serious test anymore - the proctors all know about it and are looking for it.

    if you have some probation drug testing, where they're just going through the motions, you might get away with it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    check out quick fix 4.0...its illegal for sale in some states, but i don't know of anyone having any problems having it mailed to it or PM me

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    City of Fountains
    I had a couple friends in the Navy that used it. And its true that it has a reputation. However, the guys i know passed several tests with it. This was several years ago, and i also heard that there is a VERY NOTICEABLE CLICKING SOUND when you turn it on or whatever.
    Try Synthetic Urine
    Ive passed this way 3 times

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by qualityclrk1 View Post
    check out quick fix 4.0...its illegal for sale in some states, but i don't know of anyone having any problems having it mailed to it or PM me
    this does work. I know MANY who have had success with this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    What u mean synthetic urine?

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