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Thread: Cleanse worked for me withe deca!!

  1. #1

    Cleanse worked for me withe deca!!

    I passed my test just got the results back and im all good.... for all you guys that are ncaa tested and have taken deca within the past year, i took a cleanse from a company called test country and it was like 89.99.. the brand was called "test'in". shits ****in legit.... I would also tell you to add high fiber colon cleanse, vitamin lectin, apple pectin, all these were reccomended through a bunch of research i went through..
    * good luck if anyone has the same dilema i did and does this cleanse... like i said shit was legit and worked for me...

  2. #2
    hey man, can we get some more details? Urine test or blood? How long were you tested after you took the deca? Let me know, thanks

  3. #3
    maybe your deca was fake, lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Boise, ID
    Leave the cleanse for a sec, find out who sold u fake deca, lol

  5. #5
    "FAKE" Deca....????
    Last edited by baseball_guy; 12-13-2007 at 04:59 PM.

  6. #6
    yaaa maybeee not bud, maybe i actually did some research and found some shit to help me out... but damn for some "FAKE" deca i got some rediculous results... But hey thanks for ur awsome humor hotshot! urrrrr the best!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    5,148 it IS legit and CAN cleanse DECA, however it is not very common. I have taken Enanthate, Winstrol, Dbol, deca, and eq. The only thing I did not cleanse with the steroid cleanse was the deca and EQ. My T/E ratios were perfect and I took the drugs 2 days before the cleanse. Results are posted at It is legit and the proof is there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    what about for eq? will it clear that?

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