So im thinking on applying to become a correctional officer and im currently on a cycle on sustanon 250 and winny and im not sure how long will it be till im clean so can anyone tell me?
So im thinking on applying to become a correctional officer and im currently on a cycle on sustanon 250 and winny and im not sure how long will it be till im clean so can anyone tell me?
The dept of Corrections does not test for performance enhancing drugs....just narcotics. you'll be ok. just dont tell them. and stick to your guns! and there is a 10 year statute of limitations on any injectable drug, so if you have to take a lie detector test as part of the application process...tell them you have experimented with steroids but it was back in high school. or at least over ten yrs ago! good luck
Does they test for ancillaries like L-Dex etc?
in answer to your question, 3months
Do you have a reference? Just wondering because I really want to know this for sure? No disrespect. Pheedno posted in the top of the PCT section what I will quote below. He gives the active life span of aas in the body. Once the active life span is over isn't it out of the body and one will be clean on a piss test? I am just trying to find the right answers- thanks.
Originally Posted by Pheedno View Post
Below you'll find starting times for your PCT based on the active life of each compound. The active life is the duration of time it takes for the exogenous hormone to be absorbed, utilized, and expelled; no longer being bioavailable. Keep in mind that active life is an approximation which is dependant on dose, ester, as well as the individuals metabolization of the compound ; but for the moderate user, these are as close to precise as you'll find.
Anadrol/Anapolan: 24 hours after last administration
Deca: 21 days after last injection
Dianabol: 24 hours after last administration
Equipoise: 21 days after last injection
Fina: 3 days after last injection
Primobolan depot: 14 days after last injection
Sustanon: 18 days after last injection
Testosterone Cypionate: 18 days after last injection
Testosterone Enanthate: 14 days after last injection
Testosterone Propionate: 3 days after last injection
Testosterone Suspension: 24 hours after last administration
Winstrol: 24 hours after last administration
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