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Thread: UK Marines

  1. #1

    Exclamation UK Marines

    i am 19 years old and will be joining the marines in october.

    i am currently taking denkall test 400, d-bol (liquid), nandralone.

    i have decided that steroid use is not for me as i am joining the marines.

    i would be very greatfull for any helpfull advice or answers to my questions:

    1. Will i pass my medical in either september or october?

    2. Do the armed forces test for steroids or just for drugs such as cocaine, dope etc?

    3. Any treatment or methods that could help get the steroids out of my body a.s.a.p?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by danielebancale View Post
    i am 19 years old and will be joining the marines in october.

    i am currently taking denkall test 400, d-bol (liquid), nandralone.

    i have decided that steroid use is not for me as i am joining the marines.

    i would be very greatfull for any helpfull advice or answers to my questions:

    1. Will i pass my medical in either september or october?

    2. Do the armed forces test for steroids or just for drugs such as cocaine, dope etc?

    3. Any treatment or methods that could help get the steroids out of my body a.s.a.p?

    I'm in the United States and when I went through MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) they didn't test for stuff like that. I'm assuming they follow a similar guideline so I'll give you some input. Unless they "believe" you to be juicing, they won't test for it. It costs too much for them to be testing everybody for AAS. Also if you still want to be extra cautious, they do sell a cleanser kit on this website which should take any AAS out of your system in 5 days I believe.

  3. #3
    thankyou very much

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    if u need to, you can buy a fake extension for ur penis that u can store fake urine....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The 50 States
    the steroid cleanse doesnt work against deca

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