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Thread: Random blood work, what will come up?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast

    Random blood work, what will come up?

    My Doctor needed me to get my bloodwork done to check my cholesterol, sugar level, and my red blood cell count. I believe those were the three things she wanted to check. I am starting my cycle tonight and wont be going to get my blood work for another week or two. Will that throw off any of the normal levels for her to be concerned? She's checking because previously I had high choles, and high sugar level, Indicating pre-diabetes. She thinks that could have been a foul up though due to myself not fasting properly the night before. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    OMG! as soon as the needle pricks you they'll know ur on the sauce because of your reaction. jk...I dont think you have anything to worry about, but if it were me and i was being screened for diabetes I wouldn't touch the sauce, until after the results came in. But I'm probably too late to tell you this... Answer this question for me. After you eat a meal do you feel tired? Good luck to you.

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