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Thread: Help I have Fatty Liver what to do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Help I have Fatty Liver what to do?

    I just did some blood work and I my cholesterol, LDL and HDL are all high as well as my SGOT liver enzymes too my SGPT are borderline. I do have a very slight slight Pain in my right quadrant it comes and goes and I am one week away from finishing my HCG shots and about to start my Tamoxifen, clomid, proviron PCT. I am wondering because I read that Tamoxifen affects the liver too should i not take it? will I damage my liver even more? or should I take some cholesterol lowering agents now for a while until I get my cholesterol and liver enzymes ok? I also wanted to know if Milk thistle could help now or is it too late? Anyone have an idea how I can reverse this? I have been off of Gear for about a few weeks or so. thanks

    SGOT 61
    SGPT 37
    HDL 65
    LDL 159

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    you should start will it slow and long term.

    get some milk thistle , silymarin, choline and inositol, substitute with amino acids instead of protien powder

    drink lots of water and raw vegetable juices.

    Yes tamaxifen affects the liver. I would take it anyway to prevent the other sides

    and then be done with it. You have to follow a long term course of dieting

    and eating healthy.

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