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Ok guys just got back from the doc, was pretty easy actualy... thing is i kinda had luck on my side, as my normal doctor had just left and ive just been assigned a new one. So i basicly i said i had spoken to my doctor previously about getting these blood test done because i was getting ache in my lower back and it might be my kidneys:
Testosterone, liver function, lipid and kidney function.
She was like ok but why the testosterone and i just said i had been having labido problems and mood swings and she didnt say anything and added it to the slip. Dont think it would of been a problem even without being a new doctor, because if you say u want these blood tests done it makes there job easier they dont have to think what is causing the problems u have already gone in with a solution therefore making there job easier..
So im well chuffed.... just got to arrange the blood test for next week and they said to ring in and find out if u have any abnormal problems.