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Thread: Did i get bloodwork done to soon? Please help!

  1. #1

    Unhappy Did i get bloodwork done to soon? Please help!

    I am a 33 year old male. I last ran a cyce about 2.5 years ago. It was a test/anavar cycle. 3 quarters of the way through i had a car accident and broke my arm and tore a tendon in my foot. Never finished cycle and did not due PCT. Got better started working out again. Last year i noticed a knot under my nipple and soreness. had no idea it was gyno. Finally went to doc and he told me what it was. I tried to do a letro followed by aromasin to cancel out rebound effect gyno reversal protocol with not much results. It temporarily shurnk but then came back. My last aromasin dosage was on June 3rd. I got bloodwork done on July 19th. Was this enough time in between to get accurate results? By the way, here are my results to blood work.Thanks for any help or advice guys. By the way doc claims that results are normal. I say bullshit and they seem low on test and high on prolactin to me.

    Cortisol: 22.0 ng/dl
    Progesterone: 1.5 ng/ml
    Prolactin: 19.3 ng/ml
    Testosterone: 369 ng/DL

    Thyroid Profile
    T4 Free: 1.07 ng/dl
    TSH: 2.250 mIU/ml

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    So having done the letro and aromasin therapy, what does your E2 score look like.

    The prolactin is little on the high side, as is the testosterone is a little on the low side. However, a lot of doctors like the one you're working with treat the score, not the patient. So in your case the results still fall in range.

    You can probably look at getting some caber or prami to help reduce your prolactin levels. The testosterone is another story. How long ago was this botched cycle? Maybe a PCT isn't too late, unless it's too late ... Maybe try something like ZMA. That stuff could be crap, I don't know, but just looking for routes you can restore your natty first. Beyond that, it's TRT (my gig), but there's no going back once you start. Something to think about.

  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    So having done the letro and aromasin therapy, what does your E2 score look like.

    The prolactin is little on the high side, as is the testosterone is a little on the low side. However, a lot of doctors like the one you're working with treat the score, not the patient. So in your case the results still fall in range.

    You can probably look at getting some caber or prami to help reduce your prolactin levels. The testosterone is another story. How long ago was this botched cycle? Maybe a PCT isn't too late, unless it's too late ... Maybe try something like ZMA. That stuff could be crap, I don't know, but just looking for routes you can restore your natty first. Beyond that, it's TRT (my gig), but there's no going back once you start. Something to think about.

    Vetteman, thanks so much for your response, i really appreciate it. This botched cycle was 3 years ago probably to the month. Im guessing trying to run a pct would be to late now? Unfortunately i dont see anything on the sheet about an E2 score so i dont think that results was given. Is E2 necessary and should i do another round of bloodwork in your opinion? I think you are right about trying to restore natty test levels. Im just going to have to research how to first i guess. Im afraid of using any type of prohormone as it may make small gyno knot worse. ideally i would like to get my test up a little bit, get that prolactin down a bit and then go ahead with knocking out surgery to take that knot out. Again i really appreciate your insight and pleae feel free to give any more if ya feel like it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Yeah, E2 is highly important. You can get some AI like Liquidex to knock down the estrogen if it's elevated, and you might look at a SERM like Nolvadex for the lump/breast issues. Get with the pros in the PCT section to run a plan by them. On your lab, it might be listed as estradiol (same as E2).

    3 years is a lot of time, no doubt. Like I said, you're still at 370 TT, so that tells me something is going on up there ... Just not enough for what you want.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Yeah, E2 is highly important. You can get some AI like Liquidex to knock down the estrogen if it's elevated, and you might look at a SERM like Nolvadex for the lump/breast issues. Get with the pros in the PCT section to run a plan by them. On your lab, it might be listed as estradiol (same as E2).

    3 years is a lot of time, no doubt. Like I said, you're still at 370 TT, so that tells me something is going on up there ... Just not enough for what you want.

    Thanks again, im going to make a post in the pct forum and see what i can come up with answers wise. I also rescheduled an appointment with the doc next week and will be talking to him to find out why no E2 was done and probably to do more bloodwork and get that done. Im going to try to figure out some natural ways to attempt to raise my test levels before i consider the HRT since its more permanent. Thanks again for all the help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Good luck, bro. You can usually find me lurking in the HRT department most of the time. Look me up if you need some help, especially if things start heading down the path of TRT. Hopefully not yet!

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