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Thread: Where should my test levels be? 400 Test E p/week. Please help, sucks getting screwed

  1. #1

    Where should my test levels be? 400 Test E p/week. Please help, sucks getting screwed

    Im thinking my gear might be fake for a number of reasons. But if my testostorone levels are high then I cant argue against that right? Then it MUST be real. So i'm gonna get a blood test done.

    Anyway I'm in week 4 now, had my 7th shot last night, its been 200mg half ml test e shots twice a week. 10ml vial 400mg/ml. Based on this, what should my test levels be, just a rough range since ill probably get tested within a week.

    Any help appreciated

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    so if my test levels arent abnormally high it means the gear is fake right, even at this early stage, even if it hasnt kicked in yet.

    Im confused with the 'kick in' time, is that the time when test levels finally reach the abnormally high level or is it the time for the abnormally high test levels to actually have an effect on the body(libido, strength, gains, side effects)?

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