So, right this summer I had been off roids for about three months. I did blood tests at my doctors office to see if I was ready for another cycle. I told the doctor what I planned to take and he smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
Later he called me up and said everything looked fine, something called c-ks levels were slightly above the normal range, but that was nothing to worry about as it was a direct result of training.
I've now done a 12 week cycle that looks like this:
* Testosterone: 600mg/week
* Masterone: 150 mg/week
* Tren: 150 mg/week
* HGH: 3IU a day (I get carpal tunnel syndrome and can't take more than 3IUs a day.)
My stats are:
Age: 29
Height: 6"2
Weight: about 250lbs with slightly visible abs.
I managed to increase my deadlift to an even 300kgs (about 670lbs) from a previous personal best of 630, so I'm pleased with that. I increased my muscle mass substantially while actually shedding fat quite noticably.
Anyway - I went in to do a new blood test with another doctor who was clearly very anti-steroid. He managed to say that "a lot of users have decreased sex drive while on roids". This just shows he knows nothing about it.
He then calls me up and practically yells at me saying I was "destroying my body". He told me my c-ks levels are too high and my cholesterol profil isn't good. "On top of that you've got syphilis!!"
What the....!!!
OK - the syphilis I can explain: I went on a holiday to Eastern Europe. Got a girlfriend. Banged her five times a day, trusted her when she claimed to be "a good and educated girl" so I didn't wear rubber.
Then again - I've had my way with about 20 girls this year, so it was really only a matter of time before something like this would happen. Steroids=killer body and increased sex drive. Its pure mathematics, when you think of it.
Anyhow - the only thing I see any reason to worry about is my cholesterol. The levels are
Total cholesterol: 3,4 (great)
HDL (the good one): 0,8 (slightly low, should be 1,0)
LDL (the bad one): 2,0 (great)
Total cholesterol: 4,2 (pretty good, actually)
HDL (the good one): 0,5 (ouch!)
LDL (the bad one): 3,6 (slightly too high, it should stay below 3,0)
The way I see it, the only thing that might be reason for concern is the low HDL cholesterol. But how big of a deal is it really? I mean, this test is not representative of my entire year. Now I'll be off steroids for at least three months, giving the body time to recover. Also, I don't smoke, drink (at all) or eat junk food. I don't eat fish, but I drink cod liver oil twice every day. I also do lots of cardio and my blood pressure is cool.
Having a HDL level of 0,5 for a limited time doesn't seem so scary, but then again I'm no expert.
I've heard that eating garlic pills is good for the cholesterol. Has anyone tried it?