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Thread: Where do you get Labs done W/O Dr Order? Male Hormone Panel, how much does it cost?

  1. #1

    Where do you get Labs done W/O Dr Order? Male Hormone Panel, how much does it cost?

    I am doing HCG Mono right now (250 Iu E3rd plus .3 Liquidex), to see where that gets me (after 10 days of 10mg Nolva).....have horrible Low T, and High E. Can't find any Restart protocol, which I would think would be like 2-3 months HCG (I am not atrophied) then Nolva for a month but not sure....if you have any advise please share.

    Anyway, I will need labs run, I guess a Male Hormone Panel.....does this usually include TSH (I am a high 4.06 right now, have overeacted to synthroid in past, so am trying a OTC Thyroid Energy by NOW)..?..

    How much do confidential labs cost? Where do I get them? another thread mentioned Private MD?

    I will need TT, Free T, E2, DHEA (I was super low 165 (have lupus so guess that is common) FSH etc.

    Also, the labs I did at ANTI Aging clinic did NO FSH OR LH......isn't that kind of needed? Do online/confidential that don't need Dr. request usually include that?

    What test tells me if my Growth Hormone level is ok for 34...? is it GH?

    Also, I have Super high 648 Pregnenolone, with super low TT which I think is Rare or unusual to be that high......anyone with info on that? Is high bad or good? (maybe helps me anti inflammation....I have lupus)

    Thanks, any answers or sources to get labs run, appoximate cost, and any other info appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Feb 2009
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