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Thread: Bloodwork Results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Bloodwork Results

    Good Afternoon,

    Just wondering if these numbers are normal. My last shot of 300cc of Cyp was on Feb 3. My doc only has me on Test and nothing else.

    LH: 1 IU/L (Reference Range: <10)
    Estradiol: 100 pmol/l (Reference Range: <150)
    Test: 11.7 nmol/l (Reference Range: 10-30)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    On your BW, it's pretty limited, did the doctor run other labs? Presume you are on a HRT protocol? If so, could you tell me your protocol? (300mg e/week or 2 weeks ...?)

    Start with LH ... That's the hormone that signals the testicles to produce endogenous testosterone. It is produced in the pituitary gland, and works on a negative feedback loop with the testes. It is completely normal for this to be suppressed when you're are taking exogenous testosterone like you are doing.

    Estradiol ... Is this noted on your lab results as a "Estradiol Sensitive Assay"? That is truly the standard needed to test men. Regardless, any estradiol score at 100 is not good. Take it your doctor never spoke to you about using a "AI" to control your estrogen?

    Testosterone Serum ... Most serum level standards are measured by ng/ml ... The conversion of your score is at 337ng/ml, which is obviously pretty low. However, if your last shot was Feb 3, then this sounds about right. Test cyp has a half life of 7 to 8 days. It takes me about 21 days to get to baseline, which is about where you are at.

    It would be good to get your free and bio available test score, as well as a complete male endocrine panel. Please post your stats if you don't mind (age, height, weight, BF) and anything else that might be relevant.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Thank you so much for the helpful reply! This is all relatively new to me.

    Those were the only labs run this time and thats because I asked for them as I was concerned about having high est. And no my the three doctors I have seen with regards to this never suggested an AI to control estrogen. I'm pretty much the only one waving that flag in my camp.

    I am on HRT. Usually I'm on 300 of enanthate every two weeks but apparently there is a shortage from the company who makes it so I am taking the cyp in the mean time.

    I am seeing an endo in March and they wanted me completely off before the appointment otherwise I'm due for another shot.

    My stats are age 29, 6'1, 225, unknown body fat.
    Last edited by MPhoenix; 02-21-2012 at 10:32 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Thanks for posting that information. We have a HRT forum right below this forum. If you get time, please post a thread in there and tell us a little bit about yourself. You will find a lot of guys like yourself who have gone through similar experiences.

    Your protocol is not a very good one. Both cyp and eth are very similar in half life, so it doesn't make any sense giving you a 2 week protocol. Especially at 300mg. The peak efficiency of the medication will be at/around 2 to 3 days. All that protocol will do is give you a roller coaster ride.

    Plus, you (as you can see) will have a high rate of estrogen increase via aromatization. This is not good, and it's definitely not healthy. Your doctors are good at stroking their egos for making it through medical school, but unfortunately they fail at knowing how to administer HRT properly. You need an AI, and you need some HCG for those small achy nuts you have that are a result of being suppressed (as noted on your LH score).

    Join up with us on the HRT forum, we can help give you some advise for a better protocol. Please read all the stickies in there first, and you will be up to speed on a lot of the specifics we will be talking about. Hope to see you soon.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Definately will do. I've been on the HRT forum a couple times.

    So is it better to split it up to 150 mg/ week? Is that the latest and greatest in treatment?

    I'll be going for another blood test in a couple weeks so I will post those numbers when I have them. Looks like they've ordered total test AND bioavailable along with a vast selection of other tests, LH, FSH, prolactin, HgB1c, and I can't read the other one... lets hope the lab can.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Definitely no less than 1x per week with the cyp or eth. Better yet, 2x per week (every 3.5 days) will cater to peak efficiency of the medication. You can even look at pinning Sub Q if you break it up that often. I've found it to work great, as has many of our senior members.

    I can already tell you that your LH and FSH will be in the dumps. The exogenous test suppresses the HPTA, which is where it will stay unless someone was tinkering with a SERM or something. At this stage, it's kind of redundant that they would even run it, but that's their prerogative I guess. Will be curious on your prolactin. They really need to order a E2 sensitive panel, DHEA, IGF-1, free & bio available test, or at least SHBG if they don't order the free test. Will calculate the free if they run SHBG and albumin.

    Look forward to your participation in the HRT forum.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Me: "Is there any way I can get my estrogen down before my appointment in March?"

    Doc: "You are bringing it down... by being off testosterone."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    You could look at taking some liquidex, which is sold through our sponsor, AR-R, at the top right banner of the forum. Start slow, probably .25mg x 2/wk, and probably no more than .5mg x 2/wk until you get those labs. The last thing you want to do is to crash your E2, which can happen pretty fast if you take too much.

    See where it's at after the labs, then talk to us to see if your protocol needs tweaked.

  9. #9
    lots of good info here

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    Quote Originally Posted by elendil View Post
    lots of good info here
    Dude...please stop posting useless comments in every thread to increase your post count. When I look at your post history it's just plain stupid. Please stop!

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