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Thread: High Estradiol on Cycle on 1mg Arimidex ED

  1. #1

    High Estradiol on Cycle on 1mg Arimidex ED

    Hey guys, I just got my blood work done and I'm really confused about my Estradiol levels ??? doesn't make sense to me. Everything else looks fine. This is my 3rd cycle and Ive never had this problem. Im 11 days into my cycle. This is what my cycle and PCT looks like:

    Week 1-12: Cabergoline 1mg per week
    Week 1-12: Arimidex 1mg/ED
    Week 1-6: Dianabol 50mg/ED
    Week 1-12: Test Prop 200mg/EOD
    Week 1-10: Tren Ace 150mg/EOD
    Week 6-12: Masteron 150mg/EOD
    Week 8-12: HCG 500iu/E3D
    Week 8-12: Nolvadex 40/40/40/40

    Week 1-4: Cabergoline 1mg per week
    Week 1-8: Nolvadex 40/40/40/20/20/20/20/20
    Week 1-4: .25mg Arimidex + 100mg Clomid

    Here are my blood results:

    Free T: 115.77 nmol/l 8.30 - 30.0(normal range)
    Total T: 3336.3 ng/dl 240 - 950(normal range)
    Estradiol: 201.7 pg/ml 8 - 43(normal range)
    Free Androgen Index: 18.09 0.15-0.95(normal range)
    Prolactin: 0.5 ng/ml 4.8 - 23.3(normal range)
    SHBG: 6.4 nmol/l 19 - 61(normal range)

    This makes no sense since I am on 1mg Arimidex ED. How can I lower my Estradiol levels ? Should I bump up my Arimidex dosage ? 1mg ED is usually more than enough, I have no clue whats going on, Please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Where is your Adex from? You might want to try liquid stan instead. It works better for some.

  3. #3
    Thanks for you reply, my Adex is from the pharmacy. Its AstraZeneca. What should I do ? I bumped up the Adex to 2mg ED, gonna check Estradiol after 1 week and see if it helped.

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