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Thread: Lipids Thyroid Liver HGH TEST RESULTS after Long Cycle Need Feedback

  1. #1
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    Lipids Thyroid Liver HGH TEST RESULTS after Long Cycle Need Feedback

    50 Yr old TRT and Cycling at end of 16 week cycle. All injections are spilt 1/2 given every 3.5 days.
    Weeks 1-8 Test Cyp 400mg Week Few gains, but some.
    Weeks 9-16 Test E 400mg/wk and Tren E 400mg/wk. Ummm this kicked ass.

    HCG 2x/wk 500IU ea, LiquiDex, daily Cialis, NACL liver protector stuff, BP med called atenolol, daily low dose aspirin, again I'm 50.
    218 lbs 18% body fat down from mid 20's a year ago. Lean body mass way up.

    So I've admittedly pushed this cycle a bit further then I planned, but my last bloods were not bad so I extended to 16 weeks
    Tren was working so well it was hard to stop. I'm sure nobody has been there

    (Testing at LabCorp via Private MD Labs)

    Test 1500+ on gear... so yeah
    Test Free 80.55 Range 5.0-21.00
    % free Test 5.37 Range 1.5-4.2

    Cholesterol: 162 in range
    Triglycerides: 120 in range
    HDL: 16 Ouch Range is greater than 39 (Prior score in Late Nov was 36)
    VLDL 24 In range Range is 5-40
    LDL 122 High Range is under 99 (Prior Score was 97)

    TSH 2.57 In range Range is .45-4.5
    T4 4.2 Low barely Range is 4.5-12.0
    T3 Uptake 34 with in range
    Free Thyroxine 1.4 with in range

    AST 51 high Range should be Under 40
    ALT 57 high Ranges should be Under 44

    Estradial Sensative 14.4 Range is 8.0-35. Perfect.
    PSA 2.0...I'm 50 so that's good
    HGH Serum...never done before and was curious. Score 2.3 range is 0-10. Seems low...?
    IFG-1 131 Range is 67-205

    Are my l lipids an issue specifically HDL at only 16 stupid low? Ratio of LDL to HDL is not good
    Liver AST/ALT are high but I've tested much higher not on gear... Thoughts?
    Thyroid?? Looks like the pituitary is not kicking in with TSH. But T4 is not that low??
    Is my HGH serum low for a 50 year old? 2.3??

    I'd love to keep running tren E but I think I need to stop.
    I think I should let my lipids return to good and give the liver a break.
    I need to add fish oil get more omegs. But I hate burping fish oil.
    Last edited by Notpretty; 01-26-2018 at 12:07 AM.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Yes, lipids are a concern. Your HDL is low specifically due to Tren. It's known to crush it. It's time to stop it.


    Fish Oil for triglycerides (take with meals)
    RYR (over-seas powder if possible) for LDL
    Slo-Niacin or Endur-Acin for HDL

    A solid rule to look at when it comes to cholesterol is the ratio of HDL to Triglycerides. Basically divide your Triglycerides by your HDL and the goal would be to come out around 2 ish. This means there's a very low chance of a cardiac event (Stephen Sinatra - The Great Cholesterol Myth.)

    Normal for ALT and AST to be elevated. This occurs simply from the muscular trauma of working out. Elevated levels can last up to 7-10 days and can often times be at supraphysiological levels.

    Elevated TSH and lower T4 can be indicative of subclinical hypothyroidism. That said, you'd really need to look at FT3 and FT4 and do it off cycle.
    HGH Serum is pulsatile to it's really hard to tell. IGF-1 would be a better indicator.

    I think that covers it.
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  3. #3
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    Thanks Kelkel!!!

    Only follow up question is this. My T4 is a bit low which should trigger higher TSH...but my TSH is not higher. It’s actually reatively low and that concerns me with my putuitary working right. This is just one test and my T4 is marginally low so I’m not jumping to any conclusions. But it’s seems to me over the years virtually all tests I’ve had done that provide feedback on my pituitary’s performance suggests a sluggish or low producing p-gland. Before gear my LH and FSH were low with LH sometimes very very low. That is what got my TRT initiated. GH is 2.3 which seems low too. When I first took HCG (yes after being on TRT so I was LH low as expected) it had dramatic affects on my State of mind and overall well being. It was like the missing LH returned and bam I felt so much better. I wonder if that indicates I had primary hypogonadism...meaning caused by a weak p-gland rather than failure at the testicles and that my TRT might have been resolved by HCG without exo Test. Another biofeedback indicator is that all my life my testicles have done something no endo has been able to explain. They change size. I’m not talking marginally. Like reduce by half within a period of 1-2 hours....and all pre TRT or gear. Does that suggest odd p-gland function...occasionally kicking out a bit of LH but then shutting down....testicles kick in and then shutdown.

    Is there a BW panel that I could do which would give me an indication of my overall P-Gland function...And must I be entirely off gear (even TRT) to learn anything from such a panel.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    It's not always going to trigger an elevated TSH. Dramatic change, sure. Incremental, not always. You are correct not to jump to conclusions as it's just one snapshot in time.

    Your feeling better after initiating HCG is probably just the result of your body being starved for normal amounts of it. Doubtful it indicates primary hypogonadism. Primary would be testicular failure which means they would be failing to respond to either endogenous or exogenous LH. If your blood work was indicative of low LH/FSH levels then odds are you are secondary hypogonadal.

    Low LH/FSH equals low T and probable secondary hypogonadism
    Elevated LH/FSH and low T levels is indicative of testicular failure.
    There can be combinations of both.

    Re your concern with odd testical size deviations have you ever been checked for varicoceles via palpation or ultrasound? As you're currently on TRT testing for LH/FSH is useless as they'll be non-existent. Only thing you could really do to evaluate your pituitary would be an MRI.
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  5. #5
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    Yeah I got primary and secondary backwards.

    They mri’d my head at Kaiser before I started TRT. Probably looking for tumors. Years back. Maybe I can still get results. Hmmm. I’ll check. Crap that triggered a memory. The operator stopped the test and said she had to call a doctor. 45 mins later she continued the test but could not and would not tell me why that happened. I never found out.

    Never heard of the ultra sound thing, definitely not been done to me. What would that be trying diagnose? I can google. Hey! Thanks for taking the time. It’s appreciated!

    How long Off before HDL rises back up. Best guess?

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    HDL rising is a slow process. The supps I spoke of are ones you should probably stay on. Particularly the Fish Oil and Niacin. NAC should be used year round as well and will also help with chol.
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  7. #7
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    Will do thanks

    I get bad flushing of the skin from niacin. Apparently it a common reaction Does that go away the longer you take it?

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Notpretty View Post
    Will do thanks

    I get bad flushing of the skin from niacin. Apparently it a common reaction Does that go away the longer you take it?
    Hence why I gave you those specific brands. You'll be fine. Try Slo-Niacin first.

    Using Niacin to Improve Cardiovascular Health | Life Extension
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Hence why I gave you those specific brands. You'll be fine. Try Slo-Niacin first.

    Using Niacin to Improve Cardiovascular Health | Life Extension
    Thanks. Great Link by the way and I read up on the cholesterol myth. Good info. Starting Extended release niacin and fish oil today. The ryr is ordered. Have a great weekend����

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